Today we celebrate how God has helped us create margin in our lives. With the margin we are creating in our resources, we can work on the mission God has given us.
Margin: Committing
As humans, we have a hard time committing our time and resources. But in order to complete our mission, we have to commit to our mission.
Margin: Who Owns It?
God gives us everything we need. Everything I own and everything I am, belongs to God.
Margin: Embrace The Mission
Jesus has entrusted His mission with His church. This is why we believe the local church is the hope of the world. Discover how our our mission fuels our vision as a local church.
Margin: Assumption Dysfunction
Kasey shares what it means to walk in financial peace as a Church and as individuals.
Margin: Contentment Is........
Kasey reflects on what it means to be content and how to achieve contentment.
Margin: Let The Kids Be His Kids?
Join Joe Klassen and Bill West as they discuss Margin and Parenting.
Margin: Who Will You Cheat?
Ever have your work life and home life collide? Kasey gives some insight on how Moses handled this situation.
Margin: Reset The Table
Kasey discusses the importance of your dining table and how it can help create margin in your day to day life.
Margin: God's Rhythms
Kasey tells us how falling into God's rhythm we can create margin to work on the relationships in our lives.
Margin: Crowded Loneliness
Kasey talks about how easy it is to become overextended in our relationships. Kasey offers ways to take back your time.
Margin: Proven Biblical Principles
Listen to Dave Ramsey talk about proven biblical principles on how to manage your money.