

Dec 18th, 2016 from 5-8pm Westside Youth Ministry will be hosting a Swapstravaganza @ Westside Family Church, 738 Eisenhower Rd. Leavenworth KS 66048

This event is open to all MS and HS students, so bring your friends! We will have a white elephant gift party, do a Christmas cookie swap, eat pizza and much, much more!
Pizza and drinks will be provided.

The rules for the gift swap are that the gift cannot exceed ten dollars in value and must be wrapped. The gift must also be appropriate and cannot be something harmful. 

If you would like more details contact:
Caleb Klinger 913-683-0274 clinger@westsideleavenworth.com   or
Samantha Roland 913-240-5300 apinkmess@icloud.com