Exciting change coming for WSM! — Westside Family Church Leavenworth

Exciting change coming for WSM!


Hey Westside!

        WSM with support from our staff and leaders is rolling out a change in programming for you and your teen! Starting Sept. 16th we will no longer be having our traditional Sunday services and will instead be moving to a Wed and Sun night model.

       theLoft on Wed will be geared towards building relationships and reaching more students where you live, study, and play. It will allow for a greater reach in Leavenworth County as we move toward reaching students who are far from God.
       Sunday night small groups will be focused directly on discipleship in an intentional way as well as developing your teen's character and calling on their life. 

With these changes we believe we can help your teen discover their identity in Jesus as they love Him, become more like Him, and share Him with others. We want to unlock your teen's God-given potential as they take their next steps in following Him.

Thank you Westside!

Caleb Klinger
WFC Leavenworth
