The Church Has Left the Building | New Year's Weekend


Church has left the building to BLESS others on New Years Weekend and this is how:

We want to encourage you to throw a New Year's Eve party on Saturday night or Sunday Supper on New Year's Day. 

Make the choice on which you'll do. Then, choose your Lifegroup, another Westside family or friend to do it with. Then...

1) Begin praying for someone, who you want to know Jesus, that you can invite to your party or supper. Take a big step of courage and invite them to your New Year's Eve party or Sunday supper! This may be something you want to do with your Lifegroup. 

2) Listen to them during your time together. Get to know them by asking questions. Listen to their passions, wants, and fears. 

3) Eat together! When it comes time to thank Jesus for the food, I want to encourage you to ask everyone to say something they are thankful for in 2016. That's it. Be a thankful church and let your thankfulness for what God has done for you be your story. 

These three practices will set you up to follow-up the party or supper to serve them and eventually share your story with them. So...

4) Listen for an opportunity to serve them. It may be something they say in conversation that you can help them with. It may be something that you want to do for them later. Be praying for the Holy Spirit to help you discover a way to take a follow-up step and serve them. 

5) As you build your relationship and learn their story, the will likely ask you about your story or about why you follow Jesus. That is the open door for you to give an answer for why your hope is in Jesus and what Jesus has done for you. 

Share you party or supper ideas below: 



Dec 18th, 2016 from 5-8pm Westside Youth Ministry will be hosting a Swapstravaganza @ Westside Family Church, 738 Eisenhower Rd. Leavenworth KS 66048

This event is open to all MS and HS students, so bring your friends! We will have a white elephant gift party, do a Christmas cookie swap, eat pizza and much, much more!
Pizza and drinks will be provided.

The rules for the gift swap are that the gift cannot exceed ten dollars in value and must be wrapped. The gift must also be appropriate and cannot be something harmful. 

If you would like more details contact:
Caleb Klinger 913-683-0274   or
Samantha Roland 913-240-5300



Join us as we celebrate Thanksgiving together with friends! This is a great opportunity to invite your friends and share some Thanksgiving tradition with them. 

We suggest that you bring some food to share with everyone whether it be a traditional family favorite or just something tasty. 

Friendsgiving will be hosted from 5:30-8:30pm @ 
408 N 6th St
Leavenworth, KS 

For more info on what to bring contact Samantha Roland (913-240-5300 or 

Any general questions feel free to contact Caleb Klinger (913-683-0274 or Hope to see you there!

Family Forum | Dec 4, 5:00-6:30pm

December 4, 2016
Community Room

Our Family Forum is our annual gathering for those who have signed a Membership Covenant. This is a time of celebration, and vision as we look to 2017 and affirm our trustees, finance team, budget, and deacons.  We will also eat together! 

Here's the food you can bring:

Please bring enough to serve 8-10 people.
Families with young children, please bring kid friendly food :)

A-H: Main dish
I-L: Soup or Salad
M-P: Side Dish or Veggie plate
Q-Z: Dessert 

Support for Shelter of Hope

Westside supports the Shelter of Hope, a homeless shelter located in Leavenworth. Join Westside in supporting homeless men, women, and children by volunteering or donating needed resources. If you want to volunteer, please send David an email at

We will have bins in the back of the Community Room, next to the Connection Center to put items in. Please bring the items on November 20th & 27th and December 4th & 11th.

Daily Use Items:

  • Liquid Laundry Soap or Pods
  • Dryer Sheets
  • Paper towels
  • Toilet paper
  • Tall Kitchen Trash bags
  • 30 gallon trash bags
  • Hand Sanitizer – refill size
  • Liquid soap – refill size
  • Day pass punch cards to Riverfront Community Center – for showers for shelter guests

Food Items: We do not have a kitchen, only a microwave for use.

  • All food items must be individually wrapped, single size portion.
  • Granola bars / Protein bars /Fruit filled cereal bars
  • Peanut butter or cheese snack crackers
  • Cup-o-noodles in Styrofoam cup
  • Individually packaged fruit cups or applesauce
  • Beef jerky (Slim Jims)/Foil packs of tuna
  • Hormel Heat and Eat Individually packaged meals/ Chef Boyardee
  • Juice boxes, shelf milk
  • Sugar/ Creamer
  • Oatmeal individually packaged, single serve portions
  • Coffee – decaf and regular

Help Make Church Fun for Kids!

We have some great opportunities for you help make church fun and meaningful for kids by building relationships with them, sharing Biblical truths, and having fun. We provide you with EVERYTHING YOU NEED to lead the two or three activities that reinforces the Biblical truth. 


Here are the available serving opportunities:
8:15 - PreK/K and 1st-5th grade

9:30 - 1 year old's class, 2 year old's class, Kindergarten, 1st/2nd, and 3rd-5th grade

11:00 - 3 year old's class, 1st/2nd grade, and 3rd-5th grade

** You can choose to be scheduled weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

Support Domestic Violence Survivors for Winter

We are partnering with the Alliance Against Family Violence in Leavenworth, KS, and Platinum Automotive in Lansing, KS to collect needed winter items for survivors of domestic violence. 

Please bring as many of the items below to Platinum Automotive on November 12 between 11:00am and 3:00pm. (105 West Gilman Road, Suite B, Lansing, KS 66043)

There will be drawings for local business gift cards, face painting, balloon art by the Amazing Christopher, and more fun for the whole family!

Items needed to support local survivors:

  • Trash bags
  • Paper products
  • Cleaners
  • Toiletries
  • New bras
  • New socks
  • New underwear
  • Gas cards
  • Mini usb cell phone chargers
  • Used cell phones with chargers
  • Women and children’s coats
  • Hats and gloves
  • New twin blankets
  • New pillows

For more information contact Vanessa Reid
p | (913) 547-6626

Parking Lot will Be Ready for September 25's Services

UPDATED 9/16/16: NW parking lot will not be ready for 9/18 services. See details below. 

Our parking lot opening will be delayed one more Sunday due to recent rain and pending rain should be ready on Sunday, Sept. 25th.

Asphalt is now scheduled to be poured on Tuesday, Sept. 20th.  

We want to encourage all our leaders who serve to park in our Preferred Parking Lot on the NW Walmart Parking lot and take our Preferred Parking Shuttle over to the church, hopefully for the last time!

Thank you to all who are making Westside a community where people are accepted, challenged, and encouraged to love Jesus, become like Jesus, and share Jesus.  

Child Dedication is October 2

Child dedication is a great next step where parents acknowledge that their influence has the largest impact in the spiritual development of their child(ren). 

Child dedication is not baptism and has nothing to do with a child's salvation. However, it is a commitment to raise their child(ren) to know Jesus so one day their child can begin their own relationship with Jesus by putting their trust in Him. Child dedication is also a time where our church acknowledges our role to come alongside families by modeling Jesus and partnering with parents to help lead kids to know Jesus.

Our next Child Dedication will be on October 2, 2016 during each of our three services. We encourage parents to sign up for our Parent Dedication Class this Sunday, September 18, to prepare them for this meaningful experience. 

Is God calling you to lead a group?

Groups give us the opportunity to reach out to our neighbors and friends. H.O.S.T. groups are for people who are exploring the possibility of leading a group. Initially H.O.S.T.s simply have a Heart for people, Open their place, Serve some snacks, and Tell a few friends. Our fall H.O.S.T. groups will align with our "Lead With Love" messages and will last for nine weeks. We will provide discussion questions and help every step of the way!

Please let us know if you want to try! Just fill out this form.

For more information contact David at or (913) 981-3253.

Our New Service Time Is...

Beginning Sept 11, 2016 we will have three services every Sunday morning. 

SEPT 11: 8:15am, 9:30am, & 11:00am

This gives you an opportunity to “Come to One, Serve at One, and Invite Someone."

Come To One & Serve At One

Help make this new service successful by picking your “Come One & Serve One” services. If you haven’t told us where you would like to serve, please fill out this form ( to let us know where you would like to serve.

Come To One & Invite Someone

Will you consider coming to the 8:15am service to open up more space in our 9:30 & 11:00am services so our guests who begin coming can have a great experience?

New Service But Same Experience

The 8:15am service will be the same experience as the 9:30 & 11:00am services with the same band and teaching.  The only difference is it will be at 8:15am.

Kids & Student Service

We will have full Kids programming at the 8:15am that is the same as our 9:30am & 11:00am services.

Our Student Ministry service for Middle and High Schoolers will remain at 11:00am in The Loft. 

Blood Drive on Saturday, July 23, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Community Blood Center has declared a blood emergency and is asking the public to help replenish the blood supply this summer. Please help patients by helping us to rebuild the blood supply.

Walk-ins are welcome this Saturday at Westside Family Church Community Room from 10 am - 2 pm. 

To make an appointment please go to and click "Donate Blood," then enter WestsideFC as the sponsor code and click go. After the Westside information comes up hit the button and then select your appointment. If this is too hard just come as a walk-in! For more information contact Lon as (316) 737-1211 or