Global Impact

Filtering by: Global Impact

BiG GiVE + Unshakeable Celebration
8:15 AM08:15

BiG GiVE + Unshakeable Celebration

For two years we have embraced an unshakeable faith. We have been praying about what God would ask us to give at the conclusion of this unshakeable journey. Today, we bring our biggest offering of the year.

And, once again, we will unleash an unshakable love with it!

With your help, we will give away the first $50,000 given to support organizations in our community who are reaching the lost, caring for the least, or serving the last.

Please pray about what God wants you to give.

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12:15 PM12:15

Global Impact Information Huddle - Ukraine 2020

Global Impact Trip Information Huddle

We are excited to participate in our second annual Global Impact Trip at WFCLV!
Our mission on this trip will be to serve orphans and at-risk children and partner with community ministries in Kolentsi, Ukraine. We will be joining Jeremiah’s Hope in outreach to the village of Kolentsi by helping provide a week-long camp for kids from the village, nearby shelter, and foster homes.

Please join us on Nov 17th for an informational meeting about the trip, ministry, and to hear stories from last year’s trip and team members. A light lunch will be provided.

To register for the trip click through here.

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