COVID-19 Update (2020-03-13) | Online Only Services this Week

Church Family, 

In light of your best interest and the interest of others, we are adapting to what is needed to help protect our community.

  • We will not host services at our church building this Sunday. 

  • We will have services online this Sunday at 9:30am & 11:00am.

While we won't gather in person, technology allows us to connect in other ways. We encourage you to worship together with your friends, neighbors, and family in your homes on Sunday. This is a great opportunity to invite someone over to your home.

Two ways we can worship together and make a difference with this opportunity:

  1. Watch at and invite someone over to join you.

  2. Watch on and share it.

Other ways to watch at


Those of you with KiDS, our KiDS Director is gathering resources to email parents so you can lead your child this Sunday.


WSM will not meet on Wed, March 18. Our Student Ministry team will be in communication with teens throughout the week.


Use this opportunity to BLESS someone. Be in prayer for those around you. Listen to them. Engage/Eat with them. Serve them. Let the Story of Jesus be shared in your love.

You are positioned to love those with whom you live, work, study, or play. I encourage you to check on those close to you. Call and text other Westsiders to check in on one another.  Continue to pray together and for one another.

We still have the opportunity to give and support Jesus' kingdom work through our local church. We thank you for continuing to give securely online. It is fast to set up and you can even schedule a regular gift.


We encourage LifeGroups to continue to gather as you are feeling well. Use wisdom when deciding. We also will continue to host groups at our church building. Please contact us with any questions.


This is not a time for the Church of Jesus to operate in fear. The Apostle Paul encouraged Timothy with words that we need to embrace "for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control" (2 Timothy 1:7).

We have the Holy Spirit alive in us. The same Spirit that has power over death. We don't have to fear. We have God's resurrection power and that enables us to love in this time. We also have self-control. Another translation says "sound mind." I pray for you to operate in this Holy Spirit operating system with a power to love and of a sound mind.


If someone is concerned that we are canceling, here are some talking points for you:

  • We are putting the interest of others ahead of our own and loving one another by protecting one another.

  • We are not operating in fear. We are being responsible. (2 Timothy 1:7)

  • We are doing what love requires right now.


We will communicate with you on facebook, our app, and our website at

I love that being on this mission of loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus is not inhibited by not being able to have a large gathering.

God's kingdom will advance as we continue to be on mission together. 

Blessings to you and your family, 

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth.