View the images below for your reference with what is mentioned below.
Our West Entrance to Eisenhower Road will be closed on February 24, 2025.
Please use the East Eisenhower Road entrance or the Lewis Drive entrance (off 10th Street).
If you use the Lewis Drive entrance, please drive with respect to the families in this neighborhood.
Parking at our 9:30 AM service will become more congested. Please drive patiently and be kind to one another as you navigate the parking lot.
We will be relocating our Drop-off lane during Phase 1. We understand many people will drop off their loved one at the front door and then park. While our drop off lane will be removed and relocated during Phase 1, please consider dropping them off at the East door, if necessary.
Handicap parking will be moved to the East parking lot.
We will have 10 spaces reserved close to the East door.
We will have a ramp with handrail on the East door facing the East parking lot.
We will not be able to use the ramp on the West side of the parking lot, as it will be under construction.
Our main building entrance (facing Eisenhower Rd) will remain open in Phase 1. We will access it by walking through our East parking lot.
We will create a safer walkway by blocking off the 10 parking spaces next to the building on the East parking lot.
We will open our East door to be a main entrance as well.
We will not be able to enter through the West facing Community Room door.
We will need extra people available in the parking lot right outside our building entrances and inside our building to help navigate people. If you are not currently serving and would like to serve with our 1st Impressions Team to serve our church family during this season, please email Melanie Redding, our First Impressions Director (, to let her know you want to serve.
Please consider arriving a few minutes earlier. By arriving earlier and being in your place to serve sooner, we will reduce any backlog from the parking lot and be positioned to serve our church family well.
Leader Parking
If you are one of our Leaders who Serve, please consider giving preference to our church family when you park. We will have Leader Parking on the farthest North facing rows in the parking lot.
Thank you!
I'm so grateful for you being in our church family. Every week, someone will tell me that they hear great things about our church. I tell them that I know why, "because we have great people." Christ in You makes our church family great! I'm so grateful to serve Jesus alongside you.
In Christ, we are Unshakeable!
Kasey Robinson