Things are starting to slowly reopen around town and more people are starting to venture out. What does this look like for your family? How can we, as the Church, come alongside you?
Grade School Parents
We want to encourage you to open up dialog with your kiddos about what's going on in our world right now: how we can pray in all things, trust in God and His plan, and listen to the Holy Spirit.
Here are some helpful tips on how to engage your kiddos:
1) Simply ask your child "How are you doing today?" or "How are you feeling about life right now?"
2) Listen
3) Share how you are feeling about life right now too (on an age appropriate level)
4) Allow for an open dialogue
5) Ask them if they've talked with God about it
6) Talk with God about it with them by praying together
Early Childhood Parents
Pray over your littles. Pray for God's protection over you and them. Pray for wisdom and guidance on how to move forward each day in love.
Praying with Kids
You lead and model a posture before God.
1) Keep it simple. Don't use big words or, if you do, explain what the word means at an age appropriate level
2) First, acknowledge God and His holiness. "God in heaven, holy is Your name"
3) Ask for provisions.
4) Lift up any prayers and petitions you have on your heart
5) Seek forgiveness and repentance
6) Give thanks ..."In Jesus' Name, Amen"
7) Allow your child(ren) to have a turn.
Westside KiDS Parents 5 Day Challenge:
Each day ask your child how God has blessed them today.
Early Childhood
Music and Story Video
Grade School
K-2 Music and Story Video
3-5 Music and Story Video
Join us online for "Big Church" at 9:30 or 11:00am. Thanks for worshipping with us!
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Trina Knight or Sam Arndt