Parking Construction Updates



View the images below for your reference with what is mentioned below.

  • Our West Entrance to Eisenhower Road will be closed on February 24, 2025. 

  • Please use the East Eisenhower Road entrance or the Lewis Drive entrance (off 10th Street).

  • If you use the Lewis Drive entrance, please drive with respect to the families in this neighborhood.

  • Parking at our 9:30 AM service will become more congested. Please drive patiently and be kind to one another as you navigate the parking lot. 

  • We will be relocating our Drop-off lane during Phase 1. We understand many people will drop off their loved one at the front door and then park. While our drop off lane will be removed and relocated during Phase 1, please consider dropping them off at the East door, if necessary.


  • Handicap parking will be moved to the East parking lot.

  • We will have 10 spaces reserved close to the East door.

  • We will have a ramp with handrail on the East door facing the East parking lot.

  • We will not be able to use the ramp on the West side of the parking lot, as it will be under construction.


  • Our main building entrance (facing Eisenhower Rd) will remain open in Phase 1. We will access it by walking through our East parking lot.

  • We will create a safer walkway by blocking off the 10 parking spaces next to the building on the East parking lot.

  • We will open our East door to be a main entrance as well.

  • We will not be able to enter through the West facing Community Room door.


We will need extra people available in the parking lot right outside our building entrances and inside our building to help navigate people. If you are not currently serving and would like to serve with our 1st Impressions Team to serve our church family during this season, please email Melanie Redding, our First Impressions Director (, to let her know you want to serve.


Please consider arriving a few minutes earlier. By arriving earlier and being in your place to serve sooner, we will reduce any backlog from the parking lot and be positioned to serve our church family well.

Leader Parking

If you are one of our Leaders who Serve, please consider giving preference to our church family when you park. We will have Leader Parking on the farthest North facing rows in the parking lot.

Thank you!

I'm so grateful for you being in our church family. Every week, someone will tell me that they hear great things about our church. I tell them that I know why, "because we have great people." Christ in You makes our church family great! I'm so grateful to serve Jesus alongside you.

In Christ, we are Unshakeable!

Kasey Robinson

Jan 5 Services are Cancelled Due to Snow Storm

We are cancelling all services and events for January 5, 2025 due to the incoming snow storm.

Join us for a special online service we have put together. We believe that this teaching from Waste the Haste is worth hearing again. Enjoy this online experience.

Please be safe and wise in the storm and cold weather. For those who have neighbors who are elderly, please check on them regularly. We are praying for your safety. We are trusting that you will have what you need and that with your extra you can be generous to those around you in need.

God is with us! That is good news and why we are unshakeable regardless whatever storm we face.

Please reach out if you become in need. 913-890-4050.

Start the Party with Us at This Year's KiDSGiG VBS!

This summer, July 29-August 2 (5:30p-7:30p), Westside Leavenworth's KiDSGiG (VBS) invites children to join in the most joyous celebration of the summer. Themed "Start the Party," the program is set to transform traditional vacation bible school into a dynamic, week-long festivity filled with lessons on friendship, belonging, forgiveness, abundant life, and purpose.

"Start the Party" isn't just a theme, however; it's a call to celebrate the unparalleled joy that comes from knowing Jesus. Recognizing that the Gospel is the best news ever, we’ve has designed a VBS that makes biblical truths accessible and engaging for children through festivities of faith, fun, and fellowship.

The KiDSGiG curriculum promises a comprehensive experience, equipping KiDS for a memorable week. It includes detailed programming and activity plans suitable for various groups, ensuring that every child feels included. Moreover, the curriculum is thoughtfully crafted to accommodate kids with special needs, guaranteeing an inclusive environment where every participant can enjoy the celebration.

Children attending KiDSGiG will explore these significant themes:

  • Friendship: Learning the value of building strong, supportive relationships.

  • Belonging: Understanding their place within their communities and the larger world.

  • Forgiveness: Discovering the power of grace and starting anew.

  • Abundant Life: Embracing the fullness of life offered through faith.

  • Purpose: Finding meaning and direction in a life guided by faith.

We’re excited to not only offer a spectacular week but to close out a summer filled with celebrations of faith and a love for Jesus! “Start the Party” promises to be an uplifting, enriching experience that children will carry with them long after summer fades.

Parents and guardians interested in registering their children in KiDSGiG can look forward to a program that doesn't just entertain but also deeply enriches. We invite you to "Start the Party" this summer and join a community celebrating the greatest story ever told!

Invite others to the Party! Share this image on social media!

KiDS Promotion Sunday is June 2

We will be promoting our KiDS on June 5th. All of our K-5th graders will be transitioning to their next age group. For our PreKs, they will promote based on their birthday. Outgoing 5th Graders will promote to the Middles School Service at 9:30am on Sundays.

We want to make this as easy of a transition for your KiDS. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact our Family Team.

Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Minister):

Jenni Keltner (Grade School Minister):

Caleb Klinger (Middle & High School Minister):

Weather Update: One Service on Jan 14 at 9:30am

One Service | 9:30am

Due to inclement weather, we are adjusting our schedule for tomorrow, January 14, 2024. There will be ONE SERVICE at 9:30am. 
All KiDS and Middle School services will be open. 

Your safety is our priority.
Please carefully consider the weather conditions and make the best decision for you and your family. If you choose to attend in person, please exercise caution while walking on the parking lot. 

Alternatively, you can join us for Church Online, live at 9:30 am.
Also, get access to notes, streaming resources, and materials for KiDS.

Help us share this update. Copy the images below to your device and share on social, text, or email. 

We look forward to being with you for the start of our new series, whether on-site or online. Stay safe!

Current Series:
Life's Toxic Game of Fame and Shame

We continue our series tomorrow. We all struggle with the inclination to promote ourselves. This is a response out of insecurity. Come and learn how our desire to make a name for ourselves is something that humanity has dealt with for a long time—and it is toxic. 


Celebrating Christmas, NYE, and more

Celebrating Christmas Together!

`December 24

8:15, 9:30, or 11:00am

We are excited to celebrate Christmas with you this Sunday. Please consider inviting someone. We baptized someone last Sunday who was first invited to our church by a friend. There are people in whom God is working, and an invitation from you may be what they need to come.

Save the image below to your device to share by text or social. We will have KiDS services for 6-weeks to kindergarten.

Please consider attending our 8:15 or 11:00am service to make room at our 9:30am service for those who are bringing guests. 
I hope to see you on site or join you online.

New Year's Eve Services

December 31
8:15, 9:30, or 11:00am

Let’s close the year out right… together loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus. We will have KiDS environments open for kindergarten and under. All other KiDS, Middle, and High School Students will join us in the service.

Year End Giving

We are so grateful for those who faithfully give our advance God's mission and kingdom through our church!

For those who are wanting to make an end of your gift, you may give online, in a service, or by mail before January 1, 2024 (mail must be postmarked Dec 31 or earlier).

21 Days of Fasting + Prayer + Scripture

Start the year off becoming the best you by becoming more like Jesus. I invite you to join me in a 21-day challenge of fasting, prayer, and reading scripture. Learn more or join me by clicking the link below.

Weather Update: One Service at 9:30am (Nov 26)

Due to anticipated inclement weather, we are adjusting our schedule for tomorrow, November 26, 2023. There will be a single service at 9:30 am, and we invite all ages in Kindergarten and above to join us in the main service. Classes will be available for children aged 6 weeks to PreK.

Your safety is our priority, so please carefully consider the conditions and make the best decision for you and your family.

If you choose to attend in person, please park in the south parking lot and exercise caution while walking. Alternatively, you can join us for Church Online, live at 9:30 am. Click the link below for access to notes, streaming resources, and materials for KiDS.

We look forward to being with you for the start of our new series, whether on-site or online. Stay safe!

Thank you for helping us spread this update. Copy an image below to your device and share it via social, text, or email.

3 Big Things for You this Thanksgiving!

Celebration + BiG GiVE Sunday
December 3 (All Services)

We will celebrate our commitment to build Unshakeable Faith by releasing an Unshakeable Love.
Please be praying about what God may lead you to give. We will give the first $50,000 of Dec 3rd's offering away to organizations in Leavenworth County who are reaching the lost, serving the last, and caring for the least.

Make Your Unshakeable Midpoint Commitment

1. Commit to finish strong.
2. Join us and make a new commitment.
3. Increase your Unshakeable commitment.

Jingle Jam
December 8, 6:00-7:30pm

It's a KiDS party that's BIG enough for parents too!

Thank you for being on this mission together with us.
In Christ, we are Unshakeable!

Labor Day Weekend

Service and Ministry’s Schedule

We will have all three services this weekend at 8:15, 9:30, and 11:00am. We will have Early Childhood ministries (6-weeks old to Pre-K) open for all services.

There will be no Grade School, Middle or High School ministry this Sunday. We will have them in the Community Room with the rest of the church family.

This Sunday is Communion Sunday and we look forward for our families having communion together. It will be a special day!

Food Drive Thru September 3

Help us re-stock
the Lansing and Leavenworth
Middle School Food Pantries

Thru September 3, 2023
Bring your food items to one of our Sunday Services

We are partnering with these local middle schools to supply their food pantry with items kids may take home to have dinner or weekend meals.

  • Breakfast Bars,

  • Pop Tarts,

  • Cereal,

  • Mac & Cheese,

  • Boxed Dinners,

  • Canned Fruit,

  • Canned Vegetables,

  • Canned Ravioli,

  • Can Soups,

  • Peanut Butter,

  • Jelly,

  • Pasta Sauces,

  • Instant Potatoes,

  • Rica/Pasta Sides,

  • Canned Chicken,

  • Canned Tuna


Please choose plastic jars as students must transport these items home in their back packs.

Help us by sharing the graphic on text or social

Caring for Foster Families

Foster Care Panel

Are you interested in supporting kids in foster care, or want to but don’t know where to start? Join us as we interview a panel of foster care parents from our church family. You will hear their stories and discover ways to support foster families. This will also help those who are interested in becoming a foster family. 


Support Foster Families

Connect with the largest network of caring people to take action and meet the needs of local foster kids and foster families.


Driveway Movie Night + BLESS

We are on mission together loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus in our neighborhoods. We want to empower you to be on this mission to B.L.E.S.S. your neighbors by throwing a Driveway Movie Night.

Why host a Driveway Movie Night? One reason, to build relationships with your neighbors and create the opportunity to eat together and get to know one another’s story. This is also a great way to listen to their story and learn how you can pray for them. You may even have the chance to share Jesus by praying with a neighbor during your Driveway Movie Night!

We have created a few Driveway Movie Night Kits to help you pull this off. Or you can use your own tv or projector to throw your own Driveway Movie Night. If you would like to learn more or if you’d like to reserve a Driveway Movie Night Kit, click the link below.

Let’s be on mission together this summer loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus where we live!

Memorial Day Weekend Services

Join us for services on Memorial Day Weekend. We will have regularly scheduled services at with limited ministry environments.

We will only have Early Childhood services at 9:30 & 11:00am. There will be no Grade School services, Middle School Services, or High School Underground on this Sunday. Your KiDS and students will join the service in the community room as we continue our series, Unshakeable Kingdom.

If you have questions or would like to talk to one of our KiDS and Student Ministry Leaders, see below.
Caleb Klinger, Student Ministry Director (
Lori Laps, Grade School Director (
Caroline Webster, Early Childhood Director (


Week of Prayer Kick-off

April 3 @ 6:30pm | Night of Worship at First United Methodist Church

4th & Chestnut, Leavenworth, KS 66048
A night of worship and prayer with all the churches in Leavenworth and Lansing who are participating in One with us.

April 5 | Day of Prayer

Will you set aside 10-15 minutes on Tuesday, April 5 to pray for our cities?
Our building will be open from 6am to 7pm for anyone who would like to have a space to pray in our Community Room.

April 10, 3-5pm | Easter Egg Hunt at Wallula Christian Church

We will join families from churches in Leavenworth County for a united Easter egg hunt. There will be inflatables, candy, and games.
Egg Hunt begins at 3:15pm.
Remember to bring your basket!

KiDS Bible Video Lessons! 1/30/22

Hey Westside KiDS parents,

We are so excited to offer you a chance to watch your child’s Sunday morning Bible videos at home. Each week our kiddos learn a basic truth about God through their grade appropriate Bible lesson. Click the links below to watch.

Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056

Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058

For help, more activities, or prayer request please contact us at: 

Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056

Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058

KiDS Bible Video Lessons! 1/23/22

Hey Westside KiDS parents,

We are so excited to offer you a chance to watch your child’s Sunday morning Bible videos at home. Each week our kiddos learn a basic truth about God through their grade appropriate Bible lesson. Click the links below to watch.

Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056

Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058

For help, more activities, or prayer request please contact us at: 

Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056

Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058

KiDS Bible Video Lessons! 1/16/22

Hey Westside KiDS parents,

We are so excited to offer you a chance to watch your child’s Sunday morning Bible videos at home. Each week our kiddos learn a basic truth about God through their grade appropriate Bible lesson. Click the links below to watch.

Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056

Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058

For help, more activities, or prayer request please contact us at: 

Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056

Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058

KiDS Bible Video Lessons! 1/9/22

Hey Westside KiDS parents,

We are so excited to offer you a chance to watch your child’s Sunday morning Bible videos at home. Each week our kiddos learn a basic truth about God through their grade appropriate Bible lesson. Click the links below to watch.

Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056

Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058

For help, more activities, or prayer request please contact us at: 

Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056

Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058

One Service at 9:30am on Jan 2, 2022

We will only have one service on January 2, 2022 at 9:30am.

We ask that you make the safest decision for you and your family during inclement weather. If you do choose to join us on site, please park on the south parking lot and walk safely. We look forward to seeing you here.

You can also watch live online at 9:30am. We will re-stream the service at 11:00am and 5:00pm for Church @home.

New Series Begins: Burn the Ships

God wants something for you so much that He was committed to die for you. We can experience the freedom and fulfillment Jesus gives when we Burn the Ships. Join us on site (one service only) or online

KiDS services at 9:30a

We will have KiDS services during the 9:30am service. Please bundle up and we will have it warm inside.

Middle School & High School

High School services resume on January 5.
Middle School services resume on January 9.