5-10-20 KiDS Church @home

Happy Mother's Day! We hope you are enjoying your time at home with your families and soaking up some extra snuggles and cuddles from your kiddos.

This week be sure to check out the KiDS church @home videos on our Westside Leavenworth KiDS YouTube channel. You'll see some familiar faces! 

Early Childhood
Music and Story Video

Grade School
K-2 Music and Story Video
3-5 Music and Story Video

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:

Reopening Plan | Faith + Responsibility

We know this has been a difficult and hard season for many people. As we continue to navigate this season, we are walking by faith and leading responsibly. 

Part of our responsibility is to listen to you and care for you. Please take this week’s updated check-in survey. 

Better Together on Mission

Even though our world has changed, our mission remains the same. We believe that we will be better together as we continue loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus with those whom we live, work, and play.

We believe that God wants to turn your home into His hub for His mission.

Westside Leavenworth’s Reopening Plan

As our community reopens, we want to share our reopening plan with you. Please know that our leadership team has prayerfully and carefully deliberated over this plan in faith that God wants to work in and through us and with a sense of responsibility to our church family’s safety. 

This is a pliable plan and could change as circumstances change. At this time, we will continue to be the church @home. We plan to reopen our Sunday gatherings with the whole Westside Family on June 21. At that time we will be able to have all KiDS programming and our Westside Student Ministries will be able to meet weekly.

covid-19 reopening chart.jpeg

Church @home + Talk-It-Over

We will continue to be the church @home during Phase One. You may invite others to your home as long as you stay under 10 people.  This is your opportunity to step out in faith and join Jesus on His mission. Invite a neighborhood family, friends, or a life group family to join you for church @home.

We will continue to post a Talk-It-Over discussion guide for each Sunday teaching so you can talk it over with those you invite into your home. 

Subscribe to our KiDS youtube channel and follow our updates at to get resources to lead your KiDS @home.


We encourage groups who are comfortable to begin meeting in person during Phase Two of the reopening plan.

Westside Student Ministries

Our teenagers, whose parents are comfortable with gatherings under 30 people, will begin to meet in small groups during Phase Two. WSM weekly services will reopen during Phase Out.

Courage to Step Out in Faith

We believe God will use you in greater ways by being the church @home than

by us gathering as a large church family during this season. We pray you have the courage to step out in faith and be on mission with us and be the church @home.

On mission with you,

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth


KiDS online church is ready for you! 

Early Childhood kiddos will learn that God loves them and NOTHING can separate them from His love.

This month Grade School kiddos are learning to never give up and that determination means deciding it's worth it to finish what you started.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:

Early Childhood

Music and Story Video

Grade School
K-2 Music and Story Video
3-5 Music and Story Video

Homemade Slime Recipe

4-26-20 KiDS Watch Party for Your Home

KiDS online church is ready for you! 

We love you all and are praying that you stay safe and healthy. We hope that you enjoy these resources and that your family is blessed by them. 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:

Early Childhood

Music and Story Video

Grade School
K-2 Music and Story Video
3-5 Music and Story Video

Join us online for "Big Church" at 9:30 or 11:00am.

4-19-20 KIDS Watch Party for Your Home

KiDS online church is ready for you! 

We love you all and are praying that you stay safe and healthy. We hope that you enjoy these resources and that your family is blessed by them. 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:

Early Childhood

Music and Story Video

Grade School
K-2 Music and Story Video
3-5 Music and Story Video

Join us online for "Big Church" at 9:30 or 11:00am.

COVID-19 Update: 2020-04-15

Church Family,

As we continue to manage this crisis by "staying at home," I want to encourage you that God is still working. I also believe that even though we can't gather together in person, God wants to turn your home into a hub as you are loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus from wherever you are.

I encourage you to watch the linked video and read below for all the opportunities to help you grow in your faith and care for your family.

Join a Group

Visit to see all of the online groups that you can jump into from your home.

We have group resources available for you to equip and tool you to start a group or continue to grow together as a group.

For Your KiDS & Teens

Our KiDS ministry is creating church at home for your KiDS. Subscribe to our KiDS youtube channel to watch the videos on Sunday.

Our Westside Student Ministry has a zoom call each Wednesday for your teenagers to connect with others.

Keep up to date with all of our family resources during this "Stay at Home" time at


Continue to connect with the five homes closest to you and pray for them regularly. God has placed you there for your neighbors.

Give Help + Get Help

Thank you to those who regularly give and have gone above to make sure we are able to care for those in need.

If you are in need, please visit to let us know. We don't want anyone to go hungry during this season.

Thank you for being on mission with us. Our family can't wait to be in the same room with you. Until then, know we are praying for you and our church is positioned to help you or others in need.

On mission with you,

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

Easter Together With You

I love Easter. I love Easter even though this will be the first Easter that I have not been in a church service. But that will not stop us from being the Church.

This weekend, we are joining arms with Wallula Christian Church to provide an online experience that will lead us in celebrating and reflecting on the resurrection of Jesus.

Here are some ways you can make this Easter meaningful for you and someone else.

Pick which weekend service you will join.

Sat, April 11 at 4:00 or 5:30pm

Sun, April 12 at 8:15, 9:30, or 11:00am

Pick which platform on which you will celebrate with us.

Online Campus:

App: Westside Leavenworth App


Roku Channel: Westside Leavenworth

Invite others to watch with you from wherever they are.

We have tools to help you invite others on social media or the homes close to you.

Have a KiDS Service

Our KiDS team has put together a KiDS service for your family to watch, sing, and learn together.

Subscribe to their Westside Leavenworth Kids channel on

Prepare for Communion with Us

Toward the end of our Easter service, we will take communion together. We encourage you to do this with your family. Get creative and grab whatever elements you can to remember Jesus' body that was broken (cracker, etc) and His blood that was shed (grape juice, cool aid, etc). The elements are not sacred, remembering Jesus is.

Here's a fun note, Cassie and I had communion with our church in South Africa one year with something called "Hot Cross Buns" and Kool-aid.

Join an Online Group

We were made for community even when we are staying at home. If you are not a part of a group, we have several Online Groups  where you can be in community together.

Visit this weekend to see the group for you.

Happy Easter!

From our family to yours, we wish you a happy Easter as you celebrate the life and hope we have in our Risen Jesus.

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

Other Links:

KiDS Watch Party at Home

KiDS church is now in your hands! Below are resources for you and your kiddos to do at home. We have provided bible story videos, music, and activities for you to do with your children. 

We love you all and are praying that you stay safe and healthy. We hope that you enjoy these resources and that your family is blessed by them. 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:


Early Childhood

Music and Story Video

2 Years Old Activities

Preschool Activities

Grade School
K-2 Music and Story Video
3-5 Music and Story Video

K-1 Activities

2-3 Activities

4-5 Activities

4-5-20 Kids Watch Party for your Home

KiDS church is now in your hands! Below are resources for you and your kiddos to do at home. We have provided bible story videos, music, and activities for you to do with your children. 

We love you all and are praying that you stay safe and healthy. We hope that you enjoy these resources and that your family is blessed by them. 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:


Early Childhood

Song 1
Song 2

Preschool Videos

2 year olds activities

Preschool Activities
Preschool Activity 2

Grade School

Song 1

Song 2 

K-2 Grades Bible Story Video 
3-5 Grades Bible Story Video

Memory Verse
Bottom Line

K-1 Activities
K-1 Activity Page

2-3 Activities

4-5 Activities

3-29-20 Kids Watch Party for Your Home

KiDS church is now in your hands! Below are resources for you and your kiddos to do at home. We have provided bible story videos, music, and activities for you to do with your children. 

We love you all and are praying that you stay safe and healthy. We hope that you enjoy these resources and that your family is blessed by them. 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:


Early Childhood

Song 1

Song 2

Preschool Videos

2 year olds activity 
2 year olds Coloring Page

Preschool Activity 1
Preschool Activity 2

Grade School

Song 1

Song 2 

K-2 Grades Bible Story Video 
3-5 Grades Bible Story Video

Memory Verse
Bottom Line

K-1 Activities
K-1 Activity Page

2-3 Activities
2-3 Activity Page

4-5 Activities

KiDS Watch Party for Your Home

KiDS church is now in your hands! Below are resources for you and your kiddos to do at home. We have provided bible story videos, music, and activities for you to do with your children. 

We love you all and are praying that you stay safe and healthy. We hope that you enjoy these resources and that your family is blessed by them. 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:


Early Childhood

Grade School

Regarding COVID-19 and Church Services

Church Family,

We are closely monitoring the effects of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and are in contact with health-care professionals as safety continues to be a priority for our church community.

At this time, we are planning to have Sunday services as scheduled. We will continue to livestream our 9:30am and 11:00am services online

While the virus has not hit Leavenworth County yet, we want to continue our efforts to keep a clean facility and safe environment. We want to be vigilant in keeping surfaces sanitized and communicate these with you. 

We also want to equip you to make wise decisions about coming to gatherings, regardless if they are in, or away from our facilities.

1. We encourage you to take personal vigilance regarding your safety.

Please take care of yourself and your family. Please educate yourself and your family about the risk, transmission, and symptoms of COVID-19.

Here are resources to help you do this:

Please stay home if you are immune compromised or don't feel well. This is for your best interest and the best interest of others.

Please wash your hands regularly for 20 secs (sing "Happy Birthday" fast 2xs) and avoid touching your face. Medical professionals are emphatic about this.

2. Every effort is being done to maintain a safe environment.

Should you feel like coming to our Sunday services, here are some adjustments we will be making during this season:

  • Hand sanitizer will be available when you check-in your children.

  • Our First Impressions team will encourage you to wave and smile, instead of shaking hands and giving high-fives.

  • We will not pass the offering baskets around. Please give online or use the offering boxes in the back of our Community Room.

  • We will frequently wipe down public surfaces disinfecting solution.

3. Be in communication with each other and with us.

We are a church family who cares for each other. We want to continue to engage in our relationships with each other, even as personal contact may be minimized. Please call/text to check on those in your LifeGroups or with other Westsiders you know. Communicate with us if you are not feeling well or if you know that someone is in need.

Engage with us on social media and use our app.

We want to continue to care for our church family, whether you’re home or abroad. We want to pray for each other and make sure each person has what they need.

4. Use this opportunity to be sacrificial and not selfish.

The church, the people of Jesus, is a light in these times as we show love and serve. We trust that God will meet our daily needs. That also means we will be generous with those in need. Be the good news to others during this season.  Be in prayer for those around you. Listen and engage. Look for your opportunity to serve. The story of Jesus will be known.

For updated information, please follow us on our app, online, facebook, or instagram.

I love being on this mission with you, whether we gather or we are scattered.

Blessings to you,

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

Introducing Our new Grade School Director

I am excited to introduce you to our new KiDS Grade School Director, Trina Knight! Trina will be leading our KiDS ministry to your KiDS in 1st through 5th Grades.

First, and foremost, Trina would want you to know that she unashamedly LOVES JESUS! She, and her amazing husband, Nick, have five super cool kiddos: Abram, Jonah, Bo, Zec, and Josephine. As you can see, family is a big deal for her.

She has been leading in children's ministries since 2002. Her passion is to glorify God by teaching KiDS how to discover Jesus through scripture and encouraging them to trust in and follow Him. She has a background in Early Childhood Education with many experiences in administration, coaching girl’s sports, and she has lead a Bible Study Fellowship since 2013.

Trina's favorite things are hearts, pearls, popped collars and grace. She aspires to be the Proverbs 31 woman. She has run two half marathons—and she adds "at a moderate pace." She loves people, Jesus, and laughing! In her free time, she'll clean their house, read, play in the backyard and attend bible studies.

If you would like to join us in building strong families by serving twice a month, or more, in our KiDS ministry, please let us know here.

Introducing our new Early Childhood Director, Rebecca Ruble


We are excited to introduce you to our new Early Childhood Director, Rebecca Ruble! She will be overseeing our KiDS ministry to KiDS in Kindergarten and under. Her passion for building strong families led her to get her bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Park University.  She is also a Registered Behavior Technician. Her educational background and her passion for Jesus will be influential in equipping and inspiring parents to lead in a KiDS classroom.

Rebecca and her husband, Milt, have been members of Westside Family Church since 2011.  Before joining our efforts to launch Westside Leavenworth in January 2016, her family attended the Westside Family Church Speedway Campus.

Rebecca and Milt have two adult children, Emily and Isaac, and in June 2016 they adopted Jacob—who had been in their home since May 2014. 

Rebecca enjoys reading, working out, and eating healthy.

I know you will enjoy getting to know her more and that you will be greatly encouraged and blessed as she leads us in building stronger families.

Please feel free to contact Rebecca at