Due to inclement weather, Ladies Craft Night has been postponed this week. We will meet next Thursday, February 20 at 5:30 pm.
We want to keep everyone safe, so please stay warm and be careful if you’re out on the roads!
Due to inclement weather, Ladies Craft Night has been postponed this week. We will meet next Thursday, February 20 at 5:30 pm.
We want to keep everyone safe, so please stay warm and be careful if you’re out on the roads!
Due to inclement weather, the following activities have been cancelled:
The Loft (HS)
We want to keep everyone safe, so please stay warm and be careful if you’re out on the roads!
Phase 1 construction of the parking lot renovation is set to begin on February 24, 2025. Contractors will initiate their work on the west lot section first. Check our app or website for updates and important information throughout the duration of this project. In fact, we’ve put together some FAQs we’ve received. We encourage you to check them out.
FAQs & Updates: https://westsideleavenworth.com/construction
Due to the cold temperatures and the condition of the roads and our parking lot, the following activities have been cancelled.
The Loft (Wednesday)
Ladies Craft Night (Thursday)
Your safety is important to us. Please exercise caution if you venture outside.
Celebrate Recovery for tomorrow evening (Jan 7) has been cancelled due to expected temperatures and because of potential issues with the roadway still being icy. Your safety is important to us. Please be safe and wise in this cold weather.
Celebrate Recovery will meet on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm, beginning next week on Jan 14.
We are cancelling all services and events for January 5, 2025 due to the incoming snow storm.
Join us for a special online service we have put together. We believe that this teaching from Waste the Haste is worth hearing again. Enjoy this online experience.
Please be safe and wise in the storm and cold weather. For those who have neighbors who are elderly, please check on them regularly. We are praying for your safety. We are trusting that you will have what you need and that with your extra you can be generous to those around you in need.
God is with us! That is good news and why we are unshakeable regardless whatever storm we face.
Please reach out if you become in need. 913-890-4050.
Click below to talk with someone ASAP.
Text 913-297-9707 to pray with someone via text message
Please feel free to come and find a safe space to pray, reflect, or just sit to process what happened yesterday.
Many kids and teenagers have been impacted by the shooting. Download the resource below to see how you can talk with a child or teen about what they may be experiencing. Please feel free to contact us if you need to connect a child or teenager with a counselor.
Due to anticipated inclement weather, we are adjusting our schedule for tomorrow, November 26, 2023. There will be a single service at 9:30 am, and we invite all ages in Kindergarten and above to join us in the main service. Classes will be available for children aged 6 weeks to PreK.
Your safety is our priority, so please carefully consider the conditions and make the best decision for you and your family.
If you choose to attend in person, please park in the south parking lot and exercise caution while walking. Alternatively, you can join us for Church Online, live at 9:30 am. Click the link below for access to notes, streaming resources, and materials for KiDS.
We look forward to being with you for the start of our new series, whether on-site or online. Stay safe!
Thank you for helping us spread this update. Copy an image below to your device and share it via social, text, or email.
Pastor Kasey has written a heartfelt expression of his perspective on the conflicts in the Middle East, centered around our Christian faith and the teachings of Jesus. This is a preview of what may be published in the Leavenworth Times on October 21, 2023.
By Kasey Robinson (Lead Pastor at Westside Family Church in Leavenworth, KS, westsideleavenworth.com). Exclusively for The Leavenworth Times (October 21, 2023 Pastor’s Corner)
There are various opinions regarding the heartbreaking pictures and stories emerging from the Middle East. As Christians, it is essential to maintain a biblical worldview that guides our prayers and provides hope amid these tragic events. I write this not as a theological discourse but as a guide for those Christians who are unsure about how to respond and pray.
The only true answer to these conflicts that will lead to lasting peace is not found in war or policy. Instead, it lies within the Kingdom of God that Jesus established through His life, suffering, death, and resurrection.
The world is in need of a new humanity that possesses a renewed way of thinking and living, firmly rooted in the truth of Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of God represents this new humanity, which submits to Jesus as the one True King and has accepted Him as their Savior. This is how God's Kingdom is established in our world – by transforming people's thought processes through His truth and changing the way they perceive and treat one another. As Christians follow the way of life demonstrated by Jesus Christ, they love each other and all others— even their enemies, just as Christ has loved them. This is the only answer that can restore peace in our world.
The way Jesus teaches us to pray is precisely what our world needs to undergo transformation, and it is the way Christians ought to live.
"This, then, is how you should pray: 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’" (Matthew 6:9-13, NIV)
I invite Christians to pray in this manner and to live out their faith in this way:
"God our Father, we declare Jesus is Lord over all things. Let your kingdom come within us and through us. Make us more like Jesus Christ. May we stand in Christ's righteousness. May that give us the power and boldness to live rightly and to do what is just. May we have a peace that comes from knowing that your Spirit is with us no matter what we face, and may we be peacemakers. May we have a joy that comes from knowing that our identity is Christ and make our joy complete as we honor you in everything we think, say, and do. We want your will more than we want our way. Show us your will for today. We depend upon your provision. Help us be content with all that you've given us and with our extra may we be generous to those in need. We depend upon your forgiveness. We trust in your measure of justice on all sin—including the sins against us—so give us the strength and grace to forgive all others. We depend upon your protection. Lead us to do the loving thing, which is the selfless thing that protects us from doing the evil thing. In Jesus' name, amen.