KidS@Home for February 14

Hey Westside KiDS parents,

Happy Valentines Day! We truly enjoyed seeing all of your kiddos smiling faces last week at our grand reopening. We are excited to see what the rest of this month will bring. We are working to ensure that the Landing and Early Childhood environments are a safe, fun, and loving experience for each of your kiddos. This week the Grade Schoolers will be learning about the importance of being kind to their friends and family. Our Early Childhood littles will be learning that Jesus loves them and wants to spend time with them. We truly believe that the faith of the next generation is worth everything. To make this happen, we need your help!  If you are interested in serving in the KiDS Ministry, please call,  EMAIL or fill out a CONNECT CARD so we can get you plugged in. Our contact information is 

Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056

Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058

The links below are for a full month's FREE printable activities that follow the video lessons on our Westside Leavenworth KiDS YouTube channel. We want to empower you to be the spiritual leaders for your kiddos. Don't forget to follow and like our Facebook page WestsideLeavenworth.Kids for daily Parent Cues and a ton of fun things to do with your kiddos.




Today's Bible Story

Jesus loves me and wants to spend time with me. MARY AND MARTHA

LUKE 10:38-42

Memory Verse:

“A friend loves at all times.”


Key Questions:

Who loves you?

Bottom Line

Jesus loves me.

Basic Truth

Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Super Fan.jpg

Grade School

Bottom Line:

Be kind to your family and friends.

Today’s Bible Story:

Family Ties (Ruth and Boaz) • Ruth

Monthly Memory Verse:

You are God’s chosen people. You are holy and dearly loved. So put on tender mercy and kindness as if they were your clothes. Don’t be proud. Be gentle and patient. Colossians 3:12 (NIrV)

Monthly Life App:

Kindness—Showing others they are valuable by how you treat them

Basic Truth:

I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Let us Know! + KiDS Restart on Sunday

We know that many in our church family are still suffering the consequences of COVID-19's impact in their family and their finances. We want to continue to come alongside you and support you. Will you please take 5 minutes to take a survey to help us know how we can best serve and support you?

This week our Middle and High school service restarted and this Sunday will be full of energy as we restart our KiDS ministry.

Will you say "yes" to our KiDS and teens by serving in one of these two environments. We will equip you with everything you need so that all you need to do is just "show up." Let us know you are ready to invest in this next generation by filling out the form below.

Our leadership is praying for you and your families. We are praying that your hope is anchored in Jesus, that your hearts are encouraged, and that God continues to move in you and through you as you live on mission, loving jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus. Thank you for being on mission, together with us.

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

KiDS@Home for January 31

Hey Westside KiDS parents,

Welcome to week 5 of Out of This World and Rules For Life! We pray that this week's activities provide your family with a chance to bring the KiDS Ministry into your home.  We are so excited to see what God has planned for Westside KiDS this year. As we enter into this coming year, please know that we are continually praying for your family.  We are gearing up for our grand re-opening on February 7th, but we need your help. If you are interested in serving in the KiDS Ministry, please call,  EMAIL or fill out a CONNECT CARD so we can get you plugged in. Our contact information is 

Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056

Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058

The links below are FREE printable activities that follow the video lessons   on our Westside Leavenworth KiDS YouTube channel. We want to empower you to be the spiritual leaders for your kiddos. Don't forget to follow and like our Facebook page WestsideLeavenworth.Kids for daily Parent Cues and a ton of fun things to do with your kiddos.



What You Need:
“Blast-Off” Activity Page, cardstock, and scissors


During the Activity:
Give your child a rocket. Say the memory verse and then encourage your child to hold their rocket and blast off (run) around the room. Repeat several times.


Before the Activity:
"Let’s say our memory verse together and BLAST OFF!”

During the Activity:
“Hold your rockets tight, and after we say our memory verse, we can blast off around the room! Are you ready?” (Pause and do the activity.)

After the Activity:
“AMAZING! Rockets are amazing, and so is JESUS! He can do amazing things! Who is amazing? Jesus is amazing!”

Jesus is amazing. Healing the blind man- John 9:1-12

“Everyone who heard him was amazed.” Luke 2:47, NIV

Who is amazing? Jesus is amazing.

Jesus wants to be my friend forever.


Use Your Words Wisely

What You Need:

“Gameboard” and Wise Words” Activity Pages, Bible marked at Luke 16:10, dice, tokens

What You Do:

  • Read Luke 16:10

  • Talk through any possibly unfamiliar words or phrases, focusing on the meaning of the verse.

  • Read through it again, encouraging your child to say it with you.

  • Explain the game directions (listed below) while modeling. Once everyone understands how the game works, continue the activity as described below.

    • Take time to look through each “Wise Words” card, explaining what’s happening maybe even brainstorming ways they could be kind if it will help them later on.

  • Give each group a “Gameboard,” a deck of “Wise Words” cards, a die, and one token for each kid.

  • Direct your child to place their token at START and set the “Wise Words” cards face down.

  • Take turns rolling the die and moving the appropriate number of spaces. If someone lands on a heart, they draw a card from the “Wise Words” stack, look at it, and tell something kind they could say to the person in the scenario.

    • Be ready to re-explain the scenario and ask leading questions.

  • Play continues until everyone reaches FINISH.

NOTE: If a team uses all of its “Wise Words” cards before each player reaches FINISH, have them shuffle the cards and use them again.

What You Say:

“Our verse tells us that when we can be trusted with something little, then we can also be trusted with something large. One small way that we can show responsibility is by using our words wisely. What are some words that are wise to use? (Thank you, I love you, please, great job, are you okay) Great ideas! Every day we can choose the words we say. God wants us to choose words that will build up and help the people around us. So remember to [Bottom Line] use your words wisely.”

For help, more activities, or prayer request please contact us at: 

Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056

Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058

KiDS@home for January 24

Welcome to week 4 of Out of This World and Rules For Life! We pray that this week's activities provide your family with a chance to bring the KiDS Ministry into your home.  We are so excited to see what God has planned for Westside KiDS this year. As we enter into this coming year, please know that we are continually praying for your family.  We are gearing up for our grand re-opening on February 7th, but we need your help. If you are interested in serving in the KiDS Ministry, please call,  EMAIL or fill out a CONNECT CARD so we can get you plugged in. Our contact information is:

Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056

Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058

The links below are FREE printable activities that follow the video lessons below or on our Westside Leavenworth KiDS YouTube channel. We want to empower you to be the spiritual leaders for your kiddos. Don't forget to follow and like our Facebook page WestsideLeavenworth.Kids for daily Parent Cues and a ton of fun things to do with your kiddos.

Pre-School Videos



“Memory Verse Puzzle” Activity Page and scissors.



Copy “Memory Verse Puzzle” Activity Page and cut apart..


Demonstrate how to put them together to create a fish. Point to one of the puzzles as you repeat the verse together.



“Come sit at the table. I have a fun puzzle to put together today! It has a special message: our memory verse for this month. I’ll give you one BIG hint. As you put it together, it makes a fish!


“Our puzzle says, ‘Everyone who heard him was amazed,’ Luke 2:47. Let’s say it again. ‘Everyone who heard him was amazed,’ Luke 2:47. Great job!”


“Everyone who heard Jesus’ teaching was amazed. Everyone who saw Him send Peter out to catch all of those fish was amazed! Jesus is out-of-this-world amazing. Who is amazing? Jesus is amazing.


Jesus’ miracles are amazing.
Catching Fish Luke 5:1-10


“Everyone who heard him was amazed.” Luke 2:47, NIV


Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Grade School

Verses to Take with You

What You Need:

Bibles, ketchup, baking soda, tray, spoon, foam cup or container

What You Do:

  • Read Luke 16:10a.

  • Ask:

    • What are some small responsibilities you are trusted with?

    • What does being responsible in little ways show others?

    • Give an example of a way you or someone you know was trusted with a small responsibility that grew into a bigger, more important one because you did well with it.

  • Point out that Luke 16:10 shows us that responsibility is related to trust. When we show we are responsible or trustworthy, we can be trusted with more.

  • Follow the steps below to create a Ketchup Volcano.

    1. Fill an 8-ounce cup or container about half full with ketchup.

    2. Read the first half of Luke 16:10a. (“Suppose you can be trusted with something very little.”)

    3. Suggest that the ketchup represents our life.

    4. Read the rest of Luke 16:10a. (“Then you can also be trusted with something very large.)

    5. Stir 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda into the ketchup.

    6. Suggest that the baking soda represents the way God can use even the smallest gift in us to do great things.

Note: The baking soda will immediately begin to react with the vinegar in the ketchup by foaming and overflowing the container. It’s not at all explosive or fast, but it can be messy,’ so be sure to work on a washable surface.

  • Discuss the reactions to the experiment.

    • What did we need to do in order for the ketchup to “grow” into something bigger?

    • What do we need to do in order for God to use the gifts He has given us?

    • How can you go about discovering your gifts and strengths?

  • Based on what you know about your few, suggest some ways your child can develop talents and use what they have been given for God.

  • Remind your child that if they can be trusted with what’s expected of them this week, even if it’s a small task and it seems unimportant, they might find their responsibilities growing into bigger, more exciting ways to use what they’ve been given by God for His purposes.

For help, more activities, or prayer request please contact us at: 

Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056

Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058

KiDS @home for January 17

Hey Westside KiDS parents,

Welcome to week 3 of Out of This World and Rules For Life! We pray that this week's activities provide your family with a chance to bring the KiDS Ministry into your home.  We are so excited to see what God has planned for Westside KiDS this year. As we enter into this coming year, please know that we are continually praying for your family.  We are gearing up for our grand re-opening on February 7th, but we need your help. If you are interested in serving in the KiDS Ministry, please call,  EMAIL or fill out a CONNECT CARD so we can get you plugged in. Our contact information is 

Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056

Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058

The links below are FREE printable activities that follow the video lessons below or on our Westside Leavenworth KiDS YouTube channel. We want to empower you to be the spiritual leaders for your kiddos. Don't forget to follow and like our Facebook page WestsideLeavenworth.Kids for daily Parent Cues and a ton of fun things to do with your kiddos.

Early Childhood




WHAT YOU NEED: “All in the Boat” Activity Page, scissors, large craft sticks, crayons, double-stick tape or glue



Copy “All in the Boat” and cut out. Have your child color the boat and the disciples. Tape or glue the boat cutout to the craft stick and show your child how to move the boat back and forth.



“Today in our story, Jesus and the disciples were on a boat when a big storm came. Let’s make a boat craft to help us remember the story.”


“Color your boat and the disciples. (Pause.) Now tape the boat to your craft stick. (Pause.) Pretend to move the craft stick into the waves and move it around like this. (Demonstrate.) Keep it moving. When the disciples were out in the boat during the storm, they were scared. They asked Jesus to help. He stood up and told the storm to stop, and it did. Stop your boat. (Pause.) Jesus had the power to stop a storm.”


“Jesus is God’s Son, and He is out-of-this-world amazing. Only Jesus could stop a storm.
"Who is amazing? Jesus is amazing."

Memory Verse:

Luke 2:47
“Everyone who heard Him was Amazed”.

Grade School

Grade School


Game of Life

What You Need: “Game of Life” Activity Pages, markers, glue sticks, plastic sandwich bags, and scissors

What You Do:

  • Print out “Game of Life” gameboard and blue squares.

  • Encourage your child to choose four blue squares to fill their blue spaces on their gameboard. They cut those squares out and glue them to the blue spaces on the gameboard.

  • Instruct your child to write down ways they can work hard this week in the green squares on their gameboard. Give them examples of places where they can work hard (the park, home, school, neighborhood, at a friend’s house).

  • Instruct them to leave the orange spaces with a kind action they can do for some else.

  • Once your child has completed their gameboards, hand out a numbered squares page.

Instruct them to cut out the numbers and place them in a plastic sandwich bag.

  • Explain that every day they can pull out a number and move that many places on their gameboard. Whatever space they land on is their “work hard” challenge for that day!

  • Let your child practice pulling out a number to see where they land.

  • Engage your child in a conversation about a way they can work hard based on the gameboard space they landed on.

What You Say:

“These are probably the coolest looking gameboards I’ve ever seen! As our amazing game shows, there are so many different ways to [Bottom Line]work hard and use what God has given us. God didn’t make us to stand still in the game of life. He created us strong, unique, and full of passion to do big things in this world! Let’s go out and [Bottom Line] work hard this week!”

For help, more activities, or prayer request please contact us at: 

Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056

Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058

KiDS & Teens Services Restart + ONE

Our KiDS & Teen Services restart the week of February 1.

We want to partner with you so your KiDS and Teens have a strong faith when they are older. So, make sure your teens are here on Wednesdays and that your whole family is here on Sundays.

Middle & High School Services: Feb 3 at 6:30pm

KiDS Services: Feb 7 at 9:30 and 11:00am.

ONE Begins on February 14

We believe the gospel is the power of God to save and transform all who know it and trust in it and we need to share it.

You can turn your home into a hub for discipleship in mission by participating in one or all of these ways:

1. Who's your one?
2. Join us in a 40 day Listening Plan at (Book of Mark).
3. Host or join your family and friends for a watch party to watch the Gospel of Mark over 6 weeks.
4. Gather with us every Sunday online or onsite.

KiDS @home for December 20

Hey Westside KiDS parents,

Merry Christmas and welcome to week 3 of the Christmas story! We also excited to tell you that we will also have

Christmas Eve content heading your way later this week. The KiDS ministry team wants you to know that we miss each of your children and are praying for your families. We know that this time of year can be very busy. With all of the excitement and craziness of the holidays, we pray the KiDS@Home videos and activities provide a tool to help your family stop and reflect on what

Christmas is truly about. The links below are FREE printable activities that follow the video lessons that can be found on our Westside Leavenworth KiDS YouTube channel. We want to empower you to be the spiritual leaders for your kiddos. Don't forget to follow and like our Facebook page WestsideLeavenworth.Kids for daily Parent Cues and a ton of fun things to do with your kiddos during this holiday season.

DECEMBER 20, 2020- WEEK 3



WHAT YOU NEED: Bible, “Story Puzzle” Activity Page, and scissors.

Click here to print Story Puzzle

DURING THE ACTIVITY: Review the Bible story as you lead your child in completing their story puzzles.


BEFORE THE ACTIVITY:   I loved today’s Bible story (hold up Bible), and I have such a fun way for us to talk about it! First, I need to give each of you a baggie.”

DURING THE ACTIVITY: “Okay, there are four puzzle pieces, let’ put them together. Take them out and put your puzzle together. Let me know what you see when you’re done. (Go to each child and assist where needed.) What picture
do you see? (Pause.) Yes! The shepherds from our Bible story. What are the shepherds taking care of in the field? (Pause.) Yes, those are sheep. And what do sheep say? (Pause.) Baa-baa-baa! Who is talking to the shepherds? (Pause.) Right again! An angel. The angel came to tell the shepherds some very good news.

“Who remembers what the good news was? (Pause.) You are so smart! Yes, the angel told the shepherds that a very special baby had been born. What is that special baby’s name? (Pause.) JESUS! And why is Jesus special? Jesus is God’s Son! He sure is! The angel told the shepherds to go see the special baby, so they did! They were so excited about seeing Jesus, God’s Son, that they told everyone the good news that He was born!”

AFTER THE ACTIVITY: “You can use your puzzle to tell everyone the good news, just like the shepherds did. Jesus, God’s son, was born! Why is Jesus special? Jesus is God’s Son!

Christmas is celebrating Jesus, God's greatest gift.

Grade School:
Ornament Art

Click here to print Ornament Art

What You Need:
“Stained Glass Ornament” Activity Page, markers, crayons, or watercolor paints, paintbrushes or cotton swabs, cups, water, hole punch, string or yarn, paper towels.

What You Do:

  • Punch a hole at the top of each ornament.

  • Hand your child a “Stained Glass Ornament,” watercolor paint, a cup with water, a paintbrush, and a piece of string.

  • Show the kid how to use the string to create a loop at the top of the ornament.

  • Once your kid's ornament has a loop to hang from, instruct your kid to paint their ornament to make it look like a stained glass window ornament.

What You Say:
“Wow! Your ornaments look beautiful! Who do you see in the ornament? What was their part in the Christmas story? What’s your favorite part of the Christmas story?

“At Christmas, we celebrate that God showed you how much He loves you by sending Jesus to rescue you. If you look closely at the ornament, you will find a heart. That’s to remind you that Jesus is the ultimate example of God’s love for you. God loves you so much that He gave His only Son to save you. Take this ornament home and hang it on your tree or place it in your room to remind you that [Bottom Line] God loved us so much that He gave us a Savior.

“On Christmas day when you open gifts, remember to take time to think about how much God loves you. Celebrate the greatest gift you have ever been given—Jesus.”

For help, more activities, or prayer request please contact us at: 

Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
(913) 890 4056

Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
(913) 890 4058

KiDS @home December 13

Hey Westside KiDS parents,

Merry Christmas and welcome to week 2 of the Christmas story! The KiDS ministry team wants you to know that we miss each of your children and are praying for your families. We know that this time of year can be very busy. With all of the excitement and craziness of the holidays, we pray the KiDS@Home videos and activities provide a tool to help your family stop and reflect on what Christmas is truly about. The links below are FREE printable activities that follow the video lessons that can be found on our Westside Leavenworth KiDS YouTube channel. We want to empower you to be the spiritual leaders for your kiddos. Don't forget to follow and like our Facebook page WestsideLeavenworth.Kids for daily Parent Cues and a ton of fun things to do with your kiddos during this holiday season.

DECEMBER 13, 2020- WEEK 2


WHAT YOU NEED: “Baby Jesus in the Manger” Activity


Review this month’s memory verse and motions below with the child. Then,
encourage your child to tiptoe along the line to the picture, whisper the verse
to baby Jesus, then return.


BEFORE THE ACTIVITY: “Who do you see in this picture? (Pause.) Baby
Jesus! Do you think the baby is sleeping?”

“Let’s say our verse together. Do you remember it
from last week?
“‘God (point up)
loved the world so much (hug yourself)
that he gave (hands out with palms up)
his only Son,’ (rock arms like a baby)
John 3:16. (Open hands like a book.)

“Great job! Now, let’s take turns. I want you to tiptoe and
whisper this verse to baby Jesus like this. (Demonstrate.) Remember, babies
sleep a lot, so let’s make sure we whisper. Don’t worry, every friend will have a

“God loved the world so much that He gave us Jesus!
What a wonderful and special gift God gave to ALL of us. Tell me, why is Jesus
special? Jesus is God’s Son.”

Christmas is celebrating Jesus, God's greatest gift.

Grade School:
Angel, Bow, Tree

What You Need: “Angel” Activity Page, “Bow” Activity Page, “Tree” Activity Page, “Questions and Answers” Activity Page, “Questions Cards” Activity Page -


What You Do:

  • Give your child one “angel” card, one “bow” card, and one “tree” card and allow them to decorate

  • Make sure you keep the “Questions and Answers” Activity Page.

  • Tell kids that you will read a question that has three possible answers.

    • An angel, a bow, or a tree marks each answer.

    • Read a question and the three possible answers out loud, and then hold up the corresponding “Questions Card” to help kids remember which answer goes with which symbol.

    • Direct your child to hold up the card (angel, bow, or tree) that is associated with their answer.

What You Say:

“Mary was an ordinary person—like you and me. She was going to get married to Joseph and live a normal life. But then the mighty angel Gabriel showed up with something incredible to announce! How did Mary feel when Gabriel showed up? (She was very upset.) How do think she felt when he told her that she would be the mother of the Savior of the world who everyone had been waiting for? I bet she felt excited and overwhelmed. I would have felt all kinds of feelings, too!

“In spite of feeling all those emotions, Mary realized that God had a perfect plan for her life. It would look very different then she had ever imagined. But God had chosen her to be Jesus’ mom! God had chosen her to raise the Savior who would save His people from their sins. Wow! Mary probably felt a lot of things, but one of the emotions Mary felt was joy! She was so joyful that she burst into a song of thanks to God!

“Did you know God has a perfect plan for your life, too? He does! It’s a really, really good one. Even when unexpected things happen in your life, you can find joy in knowing that God is with you and He is always working toward the good plan He has for you. [Bottom Line] You can have joy because God has a plan for you.”

For help, more activities, or prayer request please contact us at: 

Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
(913) 890 4056

Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
(913) 890 4058

KiDS @home for November 29

We are so excited to be able to provide them with a KiDS@Home experience. Each week we will provide you with links for FREE printable activities that reinforce the video lessons found on the Westside Leavenworth KiDS Youtube page. We want to empower you to be the spiritual leaders for your kiddos. Follow and like our Facebook page WestsideLeavenworth.Kids for daily Parent Cues and a ton of fun things to do with your kiddos.

Like and Follow at:

Subscribe at:

Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056 

Lori Laps (Grade School Director)


Preschool Activities

Thank-You-God Line Tangle:

What You Need: "Good Things Line Tangle" activity page, crayons

What You Do: 
During the Activity: Encourage the children to use their crayons to trace each line from the center of the page to the picture of the thing God made.
What You Say:
Before the Activity: “Friends, do you see these crazy lines on the page? Each line leads to a picture of something God made. Let’s find the start of each line in the center and trace that line all the way to its picture!”
After the Activity: “You did it! You found all the pictures. What do you see? (Pause.) Yes! God made all these good, good things. But that’s no surprise! God makes good things because [Bottom Line] God is good. Who is good? [Bottom Line] God is good.”


Gratitude Gazette:

What You Need:Paper or spiral notebook, stapler and staples or a folder, markers, and stickers

What You Do:
Guide your kid to make a "Gratitude Journal."

  • Have your kid gets eight pieces of paper that they stack together then you staple a few times down the left side to make a small booklet.

  • Let the kids decorate the cover of their journal with markers and stickers.

What to Say:

“To get in the habit of being grateful, you have to practice gratitude every day. During this next week, end each day by writing three things in your “Gratitude Journal” that you are grateful for. Maybe you had a delicious dinner or your friend said something encouraging to you. Maybe you scored your personal best in a video game or in your basketball game.[Make it Personal] (Share three things that you are grateful for today.)

“Practice gratitude every day and eventually, you won’t even have to think about it. You will just start noticing things you are grateful for because you developed a good habit—the habit of being grateful.”

KiDS @home for November 22

While Caroline and I will miss seeing our kiddos during Sunday morning services, we are so excited to be able to provide them with a KiDS@Home experience. Each week we will provide you with links for FREE printable activities that reinforce the video lessons found on the Westside Leavenworth KiDS Youtube page. We want to empower you to be the spiritual leaders for your kiddos. Follow and like our Facebook page WestsideLeavenworth.Kids for daily Parent Cues and a ton of fun things to do with your kiddos.

Like and Follow at:

Subscribe at:

Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056

Lori Laps (Grade School Director)

This week:

Preschool Activities


WHAT YOU NEED: “Wall” Activity Page and wall tape 


Place a loop of tape on the back of each of Activity Page to stick to the wall, later. 

Give each child a “Wall” page with tape on it. Challenge the children to place the pages on the wall. Help the children place the bricks on top of each other to build the wall. Continue the activity until all of the bricks are on the wall. 

“Let’s be like Nehemiah and build a wall.” 

(Give each child an Activity Page.) “These will be our bricks. (Point.) Place them on the wall on top of each other, and we can build a wall.” (Do activity.) 

“WOW! Nice wall! It looks like the one Nehemiah built in our Bible story today! God gives us people who help us! We can thank God for people who help us. Who is good? God is good!”



Copy “Parent Note Thanks” on cardstock and cut apart, one per child. Cut blank cardstock in half and fold to make a card, one per child.

Have each kid decorate a card. 


BEFORE THE ACTIVITY: “In our story today, we heard how God gave Nehemiah people who helped him rebuild a wall. God gives us people who help us, too.” 

DURING THE ACTIVITY: “Let’s think about people in our community who
help us. (Pause.) Do you have a mail person who brings you mail and packages? (Pause.) What about a police officer? Do you have one who helps in your neighborhood by keeping you safe or directing traffic? (Pause.) Who else helps us in our neighborhood? (Pause.) Do you have a neighbor who helps you? (Pause.) God gives us all sorts of people who help us. Let’s make a card to thank a special helper in your neighborhood. You can use markers, crayons, and stickers. (Pause.) Don’t forget to write your name on it! (Pause.) These cards are wonderful and will definitely put a smile on their faces!” 

AFTER THE ACTIVITY: “When we have people who help, we should thank them and thank God for giving these wonderful people to us. God is good and gives us people who help. Who is good? God is good.” 

Grade School


Have your child color and cut out. Place all strips in order and staple them to create a book.


“Jesus’ story made it clear: God gives freely to EVERYONE. He wants us to be thankful for what He gives us and not complain when He’s generous to someone else. 

[Make It Personal] (Tell about a time when you chose to adjust your attitude and be thankful, whether it was at school when someone got a better reward than you, when someone got a present or reward that you wanted, or when a sibling got more allowance than you did at their age. Tell how you felt and how—with God’s help—you chose to adjust your attitude and be thankful.) 

“So, rather than focusing on what you don’t have, adjust your attitude. Choose to look at what you DO have and be thankful.”


Have each child color and cut out their Gratitude Grapes.

“Remember that God LOVES you, and He wants what’s BEST for you. His faithful love continues forever! When you find that you are jealous about what someone else has, adjust your attitude. Think about the good things that God has given you. Let it help you be thankful. Because when you are thankful, even when something isn’t going the way you want it to, you’ll show God that you love Him and trust Him. So remember to adjust your attitude and be thankful.” 

COVID-19 Update: 2020-11-20 | Masks and KiDS Services

We have been prayerfully monitoring the increased impact that the coronavirus is having in our community. We will continue to respond with faith and responsibility.

Leavenworth Mask Mandate

Yesterday, the City of Leavenworth issued a mask mandate that they will enact on Saturday, November 21st through January 31st. For those of you who choose to come on campus on Sundays, please wear your mask at all times while you are in the facility.

Previously, we were able to take them off once we were seated at a safe social distance. Now, we must keep them on at all times while we are in the building.  We will have complimentary masks for you at the door, should you forget yours.

Postponing KiDS Services

We will be postponing our KiDS church services until January 31. KiDS are always welcome to join their parents in the adult services at 9:30 or 11:00am. We have weighed this decision in prayer and counsel and we believe this the best way we can be for you, our families, and for our city.

Our KiDS team has been working hard to create a KiDS @home experience for our families.

We believe that parents are the best spiritual leaders that our KiDS can have and we want to equip you to have a KiDS @home experience, beginning this Sunday.

There are three things we encourage our parents to do to prep for this Sunday:

  • Subscribe to our KiDS Youtube Channel.

  • Watch your email for resources from Lori and Caroline that will help you teach the truths within the video teachings.

  • Download the Parent Cue App. (on your app store)

Please be wise As you navigate the following weeks. If you need prayer at anytime please let us know. And As always, we will be here to pray with you on campus or online for church @home on Sundays.

We are for you and believe that your best life will be experienced as you are loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus. And, because we are for you, we will be here for you.

We are so grateful to be on mission together with you.

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

KiDS @ 11:00 am Beginning on Nov 8 + Thanksgiving Offering

KiDS Services @ 11:00am
Beginning November 8

We will have two opportunities on Sundays for you to bring your KiDS 6 weeks to 5th Grade, at 9:30am & 11:00am. Our KiDS rooms are safe and clean and your KiDS will have a fun time during either service opportunity as they learn from scripture and connect with others.

Thanksgiving Offering | November 29

Because of your faithful generosity we will be giving away 100% of our offerings on Thanksgiving weekend to organizations in our county. Please begin to pray about how God may lead you to give above and beyond in response to His goodness and provision to you.

COVID-19 Update: How are you doing? + KiDS + More

As we continue to safely gather on site and online, we want to keep you informed of what's going on and be sure you can connect with us so we can continue to pray for and serve you. 

Check-in Survey 

Please take 2-4 minutes to fill out this check-in survey to let us know how you are doing and your comfort level of returning to services on site. 

Serve in KiDS 

Our KiDS services are open at 9:30am for walkers and up. We want to continue to safely serve the families who come. As soon as we have enough leaders, we will re-open our KiDS environments for our 11:00am service. Let us know if you want to help make this happen. 

GroupLink | Aug 16 & 23 

This pandemic has helped us realize how much we need to be in community with one another. We will be posting opportunities for you to join an online group or a group in someone's home. 

Racial Forum | Aug 16 at 6:00pm 

Racial reconciliation is a gospel matter. Join us for the first conversation where we will learn to listen as we continue to be in prayer for our black community. This will be hosted on zoom. 

Night of Worship | Aug 23 at 6:00pm 

Scripture directs us to pray for our city leaders, state leaders, and national leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-4). We are going to do this as we worship our God who is control of all things. This will be live on site and at

I am grateful to be on mission, together with you! 

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

How KiDS Ministry will Re-open + Students + Groups

We are grateful that we have been able to re-opened our building for limited services. We are moving forward with re-opening our KiDS ministries for limited services, too. 

As we continue to regather on campus or online, we want to make sure we stay connected with you. Please let us know if we can pray for you or care for you in any way. 

KiDS Ministry | Limited Services Begin Aug 2 

On August 2nd, we will begin limited services for KiDS ministries.  You can hear more about what that will look like by watching Trina's video linked above. We also have updated our FAQ page with more information for you. 

Student Ministry | Services Begin Aug 5 

Our Middle and High School students will start back on August 5 at 6:30pm. We are making the environment safe for them and we are re-connect with all our students who are able to come. 

New Series Begins Aug 9
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of… 

We begin a new series in three Sundays that I hope you won't miss. What happens when our pursuit of happiness drives our beliefs, thoughts, and actions? We will look at what should drive your beliefs, especially when it comes to life and liberty. 



This pandemic has left many people feeling disconnected. This should not be in the local church, however many people are needing that connection more than ever. This is why we have LifeGroups for people to connect. Will you prayerfully consider hosting a 6-week Life Group beginning on Aug 30? You can do this in your home or online. 

All groups will be encouraged to sync up with our series, Like A Good Neighbor. Attend our Group Host Rally on Aug 9 at 12:30pm. 

I am so grateful to be on mission together with you! 

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

Building Re-Opening Update: 2020-07-08

We are looking forward to seeing those who are ready to return to our public gatherings as we re-open our building this week. We have some information in the video above that is important to make this safe for all and to help us ensure that we can continue to publicly gather.

Building Re-Opening | Limited Services

8:15am Service: Best for those who are higher risk
9:30am & 11:00am: We ask that families with kids coming attend only these services.

Our seating will help you maintain a safe social distance while we worship together.


We encourage everyone, 6 years and older, to wear a mask to the 9:30 or 11:00am services and keep them on until you are seated.

To keep our 8:15am service safe for those who are at higher risk, we are requiring masks to be worn until you are seated. For those who have medical conditions that restrict you from wearing a mask, please follow your directives and please come to our 8:15am service.

I encourage you to adopt an attitude I am having:
"Wearing a mask is not about your view,
it's about who is next to you."

These efforts will help us gather safely and help us ensure that we will be able to continue to attend together.

Staying Home?

Please let us know if you will be staying home while we re-open our building. This will help us know how we can best stay connected with you and help you be cared for in this season.

Digital Bulletin

Our bulletin is now fully digital. Make sure you are subscribed by filling out this form. This will keep you informed as we re-open our different ministries and it will give you the link to our teaching notes for Sunday.

I am grateful to be on mission together with you as we are loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus.

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

COVID-19 Update: 2020-07-02

We are preparing for you and your family to join us on July 12, should you feel comfortable coming. 

Building Re-Opens on July 12 

Prepare for coming back to the building by visiting our website to see how you can prepare for the service.  Check out our frequently asked questions page for more info. 

Staying @Home? 

Please let us know if you will be staying at home and will rejoin us in the building at a later time. This will help us know how we can stay connected with you. 

Click here to let us know.

If you are in need or would like prayer, please visit or you can reply to me. We want to help you and pray for you as we all get through this season together. 

I'm grateful to be on mission together with you, loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus! 

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth 

Building Re-Opening Update

We are grateful for you being a part of our family and we can't wait to be in the same room with our church family again. We know that God's grace is always revealed in our trials. We pray that, as we navigate this season and move forward, you will continue to rely on God's grace that He has given through Jesus.

Leaders Gathering | June 28

June 28, 6:00-7:00pm
Your KiDS will join you in the Community Room

We will have our first open worship service that is exclusively for all who serve here at Westside. We will be sharing an inspiring message that will direct our focus for the upcoming season.

Building Re-Opening | Limited Services

July 12 | 8:15, 9:30, & 11:00am services.

We encourage those who are considered "high risk" to attend our 8:15am service. This will be an adult only service and we will permit infants to come.

Our 9:30 and 11:00am services will be open for families. KiDS will join their parents in the Community Room for the 50 min services. We have added some procedures to what we have in place to keep our building clean. We will be giving you more information in the next few weeks about how we are preparing for you and what you can expect as we re-open our building.

KiDS & Westside Student Ministry

Services begin week of August 2.

Our KiDS ministry environments will re-open on August 2. Our Student Ministries will also begin their weekly services this week too.

WSM Groups are now meeting in person. Teenagers can connect in a group and you can get info on how you can host a group below.

Church @home | This Sunday

I challenge you to invite someone to have church @home with you at your home this week. This is a meaningful way we can build community with each other, pray for one another, worship together, and grow together. 

This Sunday, I will be giving a message that God has been stirring up in me for several weeks. It is timely and will challenge every follower of Jesus. I believe if every Christian would take this challenge, it would be the best action against racism.

We believe we are better on mission together loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus.


Things are starting to slowly reopen around town and more people are starting to venture out. What does this look like for your family? How can we, as the Church, come alongside you?

Grade School Parents
We want to encourage you to open up dialog with your kiddos about what's going on in our world right now: how we can pray in all things, trust in God and His plan, and listen to the Holy Spirit. 

Here are some helpful tips on how to engage your kiddos: 
1) Simply ask your child "How are you doing today?" or "How are you feeling about life right now?" 
2) Listen
3) Share how you are feeling about life right now too (on an age appropriate level)
4) Allow for an open dialogue
5) Ask them if they've talked with God about it
6) Talk with God about it with them by praying together  

Early Childhood Parents              
Pray over your littles. Pray for God's protection over you and them. Pray for wisdom and guidance on how to move forward each day in love. 

Praying with Kids
You lead and model a posture before God.
1) Keep it simple. Don't use big words or, if you do, explain what the word means at an age appropriate level
2) First, acknowledge God and His holiness. "God in heaven, holy is Your name"
3) Ask for provisions.
4) Lift up any prayers and petitions you have on your heart
5) Seek forgiveness and repentance 
6) Give thanks ..."In Jesus' Name, Amen"
7) Allow your child(ren) to have a turn. 

Westside KiDS Parents 5 Day Challenge:
Each day ask your child how God has blessed them today. 

Early Childhood
Music and Story Video

Grade School
K-2 Music and Story Video
3-5 Music and Story Video

Join us online for "Big Church" at 9:30 or 11:00am. Thanks for worshipping with us!

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Trina Knight or Sam Arndt

5-24-20 KiDS Church @home

Summer break has officially started! We are continuing church@home and will continue updating you as the reopening phases in our city and state change. We pray that you are enjoying some fresh air and the rain!

This week some familiar faces are bringing you bottom lines and memory verses! 

Early Childhood
Music and Story Video

Grade School
K-2 Music and Story Video
3-5 Music and Story Video

Join us online for "Big Church" at 9:30am or 11:00am. Thanks for worshipping with us!

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Trina Knight or Sam Arndt


We're approaching the end of the school year! We did it! Great job! Praying homeschool blessed you in ways you didn't think it would and that you learned new things alongside your children.

Remember to download the free Parent Cue App AVAILABLE FOR IOS AND ANDROID DEVICES for more ways to engage and teach your kiddos about Jesus. 

Early Childhood
Music and Story Video

Grade School
K-2 Music and Story Video
3-5 Music and Story Video

If you have any questions or concerns please contact: