News — Westside Family Church Leavenworth

6-21-20 Kids Church @home

Happy Father's Day! We hope you have a wonderful time celebrating the fathers in your life. 

This week in KiDS Ministry:

Grade School 
Monthly Theme: Focus-Take a closer look
Life App: Faith is trusting in what you can’t see because of what you can see
Memory Verse: Hebrews 11:1 Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being sure of what we do not see.
Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what.

Bottom Line: Knowing Jesus can help you face your fears.

Early Childhood              
Monthly Theme : I Spy
Bottom Line: I can believe in Jesus
Memory Verse: John 20:31 These are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.

Videos for this week:

Early Childhood
Music and Story Video

Grade School
Grades K-3 Music and Story Video
Grades 4-5 Music and Story Video

Building Re-Opening Update

We are grateful for you being a part of our family and we can't wait to be in the same room with our church family again. We know that God's grace is always revealed in our trials. We pray that, as we navigate this season and move forward, you will continue to rely on God's grace that He has given through Jesus.

Leaders Gathering | June 28

June 28, 6:00-7:00pm
Your KiDS will join you in the Community Room

We will have our first open worship service that is exclusively for all who serve here at Westside. We will be sharing an inspiring message that will direct our focus for the upcoming season.

Building Re-Opening | Limited Services

July 12 | 8:15, 9:30, & 11:00am services.

We encourage those who are considered "high risk" to attend our 8:15am service. This will be an adult only service and we will permit infants to come.

Our 9:30 and 11:00am services will be open for families. KiDS will join their parents in the Community Room for the 50 min services. We have added some procedures to what we have in place to keep our building clean. We will be giving you more information in the next few weeks about how we are preparing for you and what you can expect as we re-open our building.

KiDS & Westside Student Ministry

Services begin week of August 2.

Our KiDS ministry environments will re-open on August 2. Our Student Ministries will also begin their weekly services this week too.

WSM Groups are now meeting in person. Teenagers can connect in a group and you can get info on how you can host a group below.

Church @home | This Sunday

I challenge you to invite someone to have church @home with you at your home this week. This is a meaningful way we can build community with each other, pray for one another, worship together, and grow together. 

This Sunday, I will be giving a message that God has been stirring up in me for several weeks. It is timely and will challenge every follower of Jesus. I believe if every Christian would take this challenge, it would be the best action against racism.

We believe we are better on mission together loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus.

COVID 19 Update: 2020-06-03

Thank you for being a part of our church family. Right now, our culture needs a church who is loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus. You are a part of that church because, as Westsiders, this is our mission. I believe the church is most powerful when we unite as a family on Jesus' mission together. It isn't about gathering in our building right now—it's about uniting on mission in our neighborhoods to BLESS and being the church @home.

Building Re-Opening on July 12

We will be re-opening our church building for Sunday Services on July 12 with limited services. This means we will have all families in the Community Room for the service. We will be sharing more with you about this family experience in the weeks to come.

Hosting Church @home?

Are you ready to re-gather, connect with others, and make a meaningful impact? Then consider hosting Church @home. Make sure to watch the video linked above to hear why this is so important during the next five weeks.

Learn more about Church @home and let us know you’re interested in hosting church @home here.

Be on Mission @home to BLESS

If you've taken the 5 Home Challenge, to pray for your 5 closest neighbors and connect with them,  then take those relationships to the next level and be On Mission @home to BLESS your neighborhood. Learn More or Join Being on Mission @home to BLESS Here. Also, catch our facebook live devotionals this week as we are equipping you to be on Mission @home to BLESS.

Military & Moving?

If you are one of our military families who are moving, or have moved,  please let us know here.

We also want to send you off by praying for you during our Sending Sunday on June 14. Please send us a picture by filling out our Active Duty Moving form here.

Leaders Gathering

Calling all leaders who serve at Westside to our first service in our building that is exclusively for you! We invite you and your family to join us on June 28, from 6:00-7:00pm for an evening of passionate music and an inspiring message just for you. RSVP here.

Thank you for being on mission with us. We believe God will do immeasurably more as we are the church @home and on mission @home (no matter where we live), than if we were gathered in a building.

On mission together with you,

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

Stay Connected


Things are starting to slowly reopen around town and more people are starting to venture out. What does this look like for your family? How can we, as the Church, come alongside you?

Grade School Parents
We want to encourage you to open up dialog with your kiddos about what's going on in our world right now: how we can pray in all things, trust in God and His plan, and listen to the Holy Spirit. 

Here are some helpful tips on how to engage your kiddos: 
1) Simply ask your child "How are you doing today?" or "How are you feeling about life right now?" 
2) Listen
3) Share how you are feeling about life right now too (on an age appropriate level)
4) Allow for an open dialogue
5) Ask them if they've talked with God about it
6) Talk with God about it with them by praying together  

Early Childhood Parents              
Pray over your littles. Pray for God's protection over you and them. Pray for wisdom and guidance on how to move forward each day in love. 

Praying with Kids
You lead and model a posture before God.
1) Keep it simple. Don't use big words or, if you do, explain what the word means at an age appropriate level
2) First, acknowledge God and His holiness. "God in heaven, holy is Your name"
3) Ask for provisions.
4) Lift up any prayers and petitions you have on your heart
5) Seek forgiveness and repentance 
6) Give thanks ..."In Jesus' Name, Amen"
7) Allow your child(ren) to have a turn. 

Westside KiDS Parents 5 Day Challenge:
Each day ask your child how God has blessed them today. 

Early Childhood
Music and Story Video

Grade School
K-2 Music and Story Video
3-5 Music and Story Video

Join us online for "Big Church" at 9:30 or 11:00am. Thanks for worshipping with us!

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Trina Knight or Sam Arndt

Church Building Re-Opening: COVID-19 Update (2020-05-26)

“I believe that God is going to turn this trial of a pandemic into a triumph for His kingdom as we, the Church, stay on mission together.”
— Kasey Robinson

Caring For You 

Please let us know if you are in need of food, toiletries, or of physical services due to a physical or financial hardship. 

Church Building Re-opening 

We are excited to let you know that we will open the building for Limited Services on July 12. Our Limited Service will look different from what we used to experience prior to the pandemic so we can create a safe time of worship for all.   

  • Services will be 50 min.

  • Everyone will be in our Community Room (no KiDS ministry programs)

Church @home 

We are improving your experience for Church @home. Subscribe to our weekly email to get the Sunday Bulletin emailed to you before Sunday. It will include newly reformatted teaching notes and a Talk-it-Over conversation guide to help in the four features of Church @home: Gathering together (inviting others), learning together (notes), praying together, and building community around conversation (Talk-it-Over). 

Let us know if you are hosting others for Church @home. We want to make sure you are encouraged and equipped for this meaningful way to be the church. 

On Mission @home + Facebook Live 

God has positioned you where you live to be on mission loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus in your neighborhood. 

I encourage you to watch our Facebook live devotionals everyday—especially next week—as we will be sharing practical ways that we can be on mission together in our neighborhood. 

I am so glad that we are on mission together. I believe that God is going to turn this trial of a pandemic into a triumph for His Kingdom as we, the Church, stay on mission together. 

On mission with you, 

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth 

5-24-20 KiDS Church @home

Summer break has officially started! We are continuing church@home and will continue updating you as the reopening phases in our city and state change. We pray that you are enjoying some fresh air and the rain!

This week some familiar faces are bringing you bottom lines and memory verses! 

Early Childhood
Music and Story Video

Grade School
K-2 Music and Story Video
3-5 Music and Story Video

Join us online for "Big Church" at 9:30am or 11:00am. Thanks for worshipping with us!

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Trina Knight or Sam Arndt


We're approaching the end of the school year! We did it! Great job! Praying homeschool blessed you in ways you didn't think it would and that you learned new things alongside your children.

Remember to download the free Parent Cue App AVAILABLE FOR IOS AND ANDROID DEVICES for more ways to engage and teach your kiddos about Jesus. 

Early Childhood
Music and Story Video

Grade School
K-2 Music and Story Video
3-5 Music and Story Video

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:

Church @home: COVID-19 Update (2020-05-15)

“Persecution sent the first century church to their homes and the gospel of Jesus spread around the world. A pandemic has sent us into our homes and I pray the gospel reaches your neighborhood.”
— Kasey Robinson

Return to Church Services  Survey

While we are prayerfully and carefully planning to reopen Sunday church gatherings, we want to know how you are doing and how you feel about returning to larger gatherings.

Church @home

We are praying to have at least 25 families prayerfully consider hosting Church @home.

What's involved?
Invite another family + Gather + Scripture + Pray + Community.

Read more about Church @home or let us know you will be a Church @home below.

Church @home with Only Your Family

For those who will join us for Church @home with your family, we have some great options for you to build community around conversation and for KiDS Church @home.

Build community by engaging in the conversation on facebook or

KiDS Church @home:

Subscribe to our KiDS youtube channel and check out resources for this Sunday here.

Our Plan to Return to Large Gatherings

Our leadership team continues to meet regularly to prepare our facility and procedures so we can safely regather when it is wise. As of now, our leadership has prayerfully decided to resume large Sunday gathers when we enter Kansas' Phase Out stage, which now is no earlier than June 29. We will continue to update you, as this plan is fluid.

First Responders Zoom Call with Counselor Dr. Mike Grubbs

Are you a first responder or do you work in a correctional facility? We have created an opportunity for you to join others in an exclusive zoom call with Dr. Michael Grubb. Dr. Grubbs is Christian counselor. This group call will be free of charge for you and is open to any of your co-workers.

Weekly Bulletin/eNews

Get our weekly bulletin in your email so you won't miss out on upcoming opportunities and ways to connect with each other.

On Mission Together

Even though we can't gather, we are still on mission together. God's grace will increase as we continue to navigate the challenges we face. The church will prevail because God is alive in us and He will continue to work through us. We are better together.

On mission with you,

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

5-10-20 KiDS Church @home

Happy Mother's Day! We hope you are enjoying your time at home with your families and soaking up some extra snuggles and cuddles from your kiddos.

This week be sure to check out the KiDS church @home videos on our Westside Leavenworth KiDS YouTube channel. You'll see some familiar faces! 

Early Childhood
Music and Story Video

Grade School
K-2 Music and Story Video
3-5 Music and Story Video

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:

Reopening Plan | Faith + Responsibility

We know this has been a difficult and hard season for many people. As we continue to navigate this season, we are walking by faith and leading responsibly. 

Part of our responsibility is to listen to you and care for you. Please take this week’s updated check-in survey. 

Better Together on Mission

Even though our world has changed, our mission remains the same. We believe that we will be better together as we continue loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus with those whom we live, work, and play.

We believe that God wants to turn your home into His hub for His mission.

Westside Leavenworth’s Reopening Plan

As our community reopens, we want to share our reopening plan with you. Please know that our leadership team has prayerfully and carefully deliberated over this plan in faith that God wants to work in and through us and with a sense of responsibility to our church family’s safety. 

This is a pliable plan and could change as circumstances change. At this time, we will continue to be the church @home. We plan to reopen our Sunday gatherings with the whole Westside Family on June 21. At that time we will be able to have all KiDS programming and our Westside Student Ministries will be able to meet weekly.

covid-19 reopening chart.jpeg

Church @home + Talk-It-Over

We will continue to be the church @home during Phase One. You may invite others to your home as long as you stay under 10 people.  This is your opportunity to step out in faith and join Jesus on His mission. Invite a neighborhood family, friends, or a life group family to join you for church @home.

We will continue to post a Talk-It-Over discussion guide for each Sunday teaching so you can talk it over with those you invite into your home. 

Subscribe to our KiDS youtube channel and follow our updates at to get resources to lead your KiDS @home.


We encourage groups who are comfortable to begin meeting in person during Phase Two of the reopening plan.

Westside Student Ministries

Our teenagers, whose parents are comfortable with gatherings under 30 people, will begin to meet in small groups during Phase Two. WSM weekly services will reopen during Phase Out.

Courage to Step Out in Faith

We believe God will use you in greater ways by being the church @home than

by us gathering as a large church family during this season. We pray you have the courage to step out in faith and be on mission with us and be the church @home.

On mission with you,

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth


KiDS online church is ready for you! 

Early Childhood kiddos will learn that God loves them and NOTHING can separate them from His love.

This month Grade School kiddos are learning to never give up and that determination means deciding it's worth it to finish what you started.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:

Early Childhood

Music and Story Video

Grade School
K-2 Music and Story Video
3-5 Music and Story Video

Homemade Slime Recipe

COVID-19 Update: 2020-04-26

Church @home through May 10

As of now, we will continue to gather for church @home through May 10. As county and state health officials begin to open the community up, we will assess that information and make the safest decision for you and our church family. We will keep you informed.

Weekly Check-in Assessment

Many of you took our 3 minute weekly check-in assessment last week to help us know how you are doing emotionally, relationally, physically, financially, and spiritually. It was so helpful. Please take it again this week so we can continue to see how you are doing—even if you didn't get a chance to take it last week.


Family News and Updates

Get news, updates, and KiDS activities at Our Student Ministry is having Zoom calls for the teenagers every Wednesday.

Get the zoom details at

Follow our Student Ministry on Facebook and Instagram.

This Sunday, May 3

Communion: Get some elements that will help you remember Jesus. (Cracker, bread, juice, water, etc).

Zoom With the Pastors | Join me and Joe for a Q&A. You'll be able to ask questions you have about church, our lives, your life, or scripture. Register for this event by clicking the button below. 

Register here.

Thank you for being on mission with us!

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

4-26-20 KiDS Watch Party for Your Home

KiDS online church is ready for you! 

We love you all and are praying that you stay safe and healthy. We hope that you enjoy these resources and that your family is blessed by them. 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:

Early Childhood

Music and Story Video

Grade School
K-2 Music and Story Video
3-5 Music and Story Video

Join us online for "Big Church" at 9:30 or 11:00am.

COVID-19 Update: 2020-04-22

Church Family, 

Life is not normal. It is off script, but we are still on mission. I cannot wait to be able to gather again with you in groups, but until then, I continue to trust in God's goodness and hope in what He can do and will do.

Weekly Survey to Check-in on You 

We have partnered with the organization who did our Believe survey, to have a weekly questionnaire that you fill out each week so our church leadership can better understand your spiritual, emotional, physical, and financial health in this season. It can be anonymous, but if we can help you in this time, please let us know who you are.

Please take 3-5 minutes for the next several weeks to fill this out so we can have a better understanding of how you and our church family is right now.

New Series this Sunday 

We begin a new series on Sunday called "Better Together." Don't miss it. You find ways to watch at

Be in Community | Join an Online Group 

We have open online LifeGroups that you can jump into anytime. We need to be in community and our technology makes it possible. Join an Online Group here.

We will have a Talk-it-Over for you to create a group with a couple of friends. You will be able todownload this Sunday's Talk-It-Over here on Sunday.

Getting Ready to Return to Sunday Services 

I am looking forward to returning to Sunday services so we can be together. It is better to be together! When we know what that date will be, we will let you know. We are already preparing for that return. We know there will be some things that will continue to be different. We are working on ways to make our gatherings safe for all. We will be sharing those with you as soon as we know more.

Until then, keep loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus—nothing can keep you from doing that.

On mission with you, 

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor | Westside Leavenworth

4-19-20 KIDS Watch Party for Your Home

KiDS online church is ready for you! 

We love you all and are praying that you stay safe and healthy. We hope that you enjoy these resources and that your family is blessed by them. 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:

Early Childhood

Music and Story Video

Grade School
K-2 Music and Story Video
3-5 Music and Story Video

Join us online for "Big Church" at 9:30 or 11:00am.

COVID-19 Update: 2020-04-15

Church Family,

As we continue to manage this crisis by "staying at home," I want to encourage you that God is still working. I also believe that even though we can't gather together in person, God wants to turn your home into a hub as you are loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus from wherever you are.

I encourage you to watch the linked video and read below for all the opportunities to help you grow in your faith and care for your family.

Join a Group

Visit to see all of the online groups that you can jump into from your home.

We have group resources available for you to equip and tool you to start a group or continue to grow together as a group.

For Your KiDS & Teens

Our KiDS ministry is creating church at home for your KiDS. Subscribe to our KiDS youtube channel to watch the videos on Sunday.

Our Westside Student Ministry has a zoom call each Wednesday for your teenagers to connect with others.

Keep up to date with all of our family resources during this "Stay at Home" time at


Continue to connect with the five homes closest to you and pray for them regularly. God has placed you there for your neighbors.

Give Help + Get Help

Thank you to those who regularly give and have gone above to make sure we are able to care for those in need.

If you are in need, please visit to let us know. We don't want anyone to go hungry during this season.

Thank you for being on mission with us. Our family can't wait to be in the same room with you. Until then, know we are praying for you and our church is positioned to help you or others in need.

On mission with you,

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

Easter Together With You

I love Easter. I love Easter even though this will be the first Easter that I have not been in a church service. But that will not stop us from being the Church.

This weekend, we are joining arms with Wallula Christian Church to provide an online experience that will lead us in celebrating and reflecting on the resurrection of Jesus.

Here are some ways you can make this Easter meaningful for you and someone else.

Pick which weekend service you will join.

Sat, April 11 at 4:00 or 5:30pm

Sun, April 12 at 8:15, 9:30, or 11:00am

Pick which platform on which you will celebrate with us.

Online Campus:

App: Westside Leavenworth App


Roku Channel: Westside Leavenworth

Invite others to watch with you from wherever they are.

We have tools to help you invite others on social media or the homes close to you.

Have a KiDS Service

Our KiDS team has put together a KiDS service for your family to watch, sing, and learn together.

Subscribe to their Westside Leavenworth Kids channel on

Prepare for Communion with Us

Toward the end of our Easter service, we will take communion together. We encourage you to do this with your family. Get creative and grab whatever elements you can to remember Jesus' body that was broken (cracker, etc) and His blood that was shed (grape juice, cool aid, etc). The elements are not sacred, remembering Jesus is.

Here's a fun note, Cassie and I had communion with our church in South Africa one year with something called "Hot Cross Buns" and Kool-aid.

Join an Online Group

We were made for community even when we are staying at home. If you are not a part of a group, we have several Online Groups  where you can be in community together.

Visit this weekend to see the group for you.

Happy Easter!

From our family to yours, we wish you a happy Easter as you celebrate the life and hope we have in our Risen Jesus.

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

Other Links:

KiDS Watch Party at Home

KiDS church is now in your hands! Below are resources for you and your kiddos to do at home. We have provided bible story videos, music, and activities for you to do with your children. 

We love you all and are praying that you stay safe and healthy. We hope that you enjoy these resources and that your family is blessed by them. 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:


Early Childhood

Music and Story Video

2 Years Old Activities

Preschool Activities

Grade School
K-2 Music and Story Video
3-5 Music and Story Video

K-1 Activities

2-3 Activities

4-5 Activities

4-5-20 Kids Watch Party for your Home

KiDS church is now in your hands! Below are resources for you and your kiddos to do at home. We have provided bible story videos, music, and activities for you to do with your children. 

We love you all and are praying that you stay safe and healthy. We hope that you enjoy these resources and that your family is blessed by them. 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:


Early Childhood

Song 1
Song 2

Preschool Videos

2 year olds activities

Preschool Activities
Preschool Activity 2

Grade School

Song 1

Song 2 

K-2 Grades Bible Story Video 
3-5 Grades Bible Story Video

Memory Verse
Bottom Line

K-1 Activities
K-1 Activity Page

2-3 Activities

4-5 Activities

3-29-20 Kids Watch Party for Your Home

KiDS church is now in your hands! Below are resources for you and your kiddos to do at home. We have provided bible story videos, music, and activities for you to do with your children. 

We love you all and are praying that you stay safe and healthy. We hope that you enjoy these resources and that your family is blessed by them. 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:


Early Childhood

Song 1

Song 2

Preschool Videos

2 year olds activity 
2 year olds Coloring Page

Preschool Activity 1
Preschool Activity 2

Grade School

Song 1

Song 2 

K-2 Grades Bible Story Video 
3-5 Grades Bible Story Video

Memory Verse
Bottom Line

K-1 Activities
K-1 Activity Page

2-3 Activities
2-3 Activity Page

4-5 Activities

COVID-19 Update: 2020-03-26

The church is Better together!

We are better when we’re together on mission,
loving Jesus becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus.

Online Services Until April 19 | Invite Someone

As of today, we will continue to abide by the governments order to stay at home and gather online for Sundays and our LifeGroups.

Invite someone to join you and stream the service from wherever they are.

Visit to give them options on how to stream our services.

Group Resources

We encourage you to continue to meet with your groups or even form new groups—but meet virtually.

Click here for a list of resources to help you do that.

We are better together with other churches.

Online Easter Weekend Services with Wallula Christian Church

We will be having a special Easter celebration with Wallula Christian Church in Lansing, KS. The church is to be united and we are uniting with them to celebrate Easter.

Visit to see service times for Saturday and Sunday.

We are better together when we love and serve one another.

Give Help + Get Help

Thank you for your continued generosity as you make Jesus first in your lives by placing Him first in your finances.

Give help: Visit to see how you can Give Help in this crisis.

Get help: You can also visit that link if you are in need of prayer, food, or basic household sanitary items.

We are better on mission together.
We are better together with other churches.
We are better together when we love and serve one another.

Thank you for being on mission with us!

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

3-22-20 Kids Watch Party for Your Home

KiDS church is now in your hands! Below are resources for you and your kiddos to do at home. We have provided bible story videos, music, and activities for you to do with your children. 

We love you all and are praying that you stay safe and healthy. We hope that you enjoy these resources and that your family is blessed by them. 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:


Early Childhood

Preschool Videos

2 years activity 
2 year Bible Story Seek n Find
2 year Coloring Page

Preschool Bible Story Retell
Preschool Activity
Preschool Memory Verse Activity

Grade School

Song 1
Song 2 

K-2 Grades Bible Story Video 
3-5 Grades Bible Story Video

Memory Verse
Bottom Line

K-1 Activities
K-1 Activity Page

2-3 Activities
2-3 Activity Page

4-5 Activities
4-5 Activity Pages

COVID-19 Update: 2020-03-20

We are praying for you and our church family as we navigate this COVID-19 crises. We want you to know how you can get help or give help during this time.


Our priority is to care for the people of our church and then be able to care for our community. We want to make sure those who are most vulnerable are able to have their basic needs met.

If you are in need of help due to a business closure or school closure, click below to let us know about your need.


In Acts 2:42-47, we see the first century church being generous by sharing from their excess to those in need.

You can give in the following ways:

  • Continue to give regularly to this local church. You can securely give online here or mail checks to our PO Box 163, Leavenworth, KS 66048.

  • We are working on a way for you to donate gift cards from the local grocers to help meet needs in our church and cities. We will update you on how to do this next week.

Your priority of regularly giving to the local church will make sure that we have the kingdom resources to help our church families in need and to continue to provide our excellent ministries to our cities.


We encourage you to continue connect with others using the technology you have. If someone comes to your mind, reach out to them.

We also encourage you to care for others during this time. Asking how they are doing, if you can help, or offering to pray with them will go a long way in helping others feel connected and cared for.


I don't want you to miss this Sunday's Service online at 9:30am or 11:00am. I will be bringing our church a special message for this time. It may be something for a friend of yours who is dealing with fear.


With the current restrictions, we encourage you to have a #wfclvwatchparty with your family and invite your friends and neighbors to watch live from wherever they are. Post your pic of how you are joining us on your social media with #wfclvwatchparty.

We have recently added our Sunday Live Streaming to Roku. If you have a Roku Device,  download the Westside Leavenworth Channel. Here are our other ways you can watch live.


Please know we want to continue to pray for you and your family. Please use the "Connect Card" on the Westside Leavenworth App or online to share those requests with us.

We also want you to be praying with your family, friends, colleagues, classmates and neighbors.

I believe God has put you where you are to minister to the people around you. I pray that you have the opportunity to share the hope you have in Jesus with those around you.

Thank you for being on mission with us!

Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

Special Prayers for this Unique Crises

Prayer is a powerful tool that God has given us to seek peace, wisdom, and courage in the face of fear and confusion. Here are some ideas for prayers you can pray today and throughout the COVID-19 crisis.

Pray Against Fear

All Powerful One, you spoke the universe into existence. You laid the earth's foundation. Because of you, Lord, the sun rises and the sun sets each day. You are in control over all things. You are my comfort. I pray that your perfect peace, which is beyond understanding, overcomes all fear in this time of uncertainty. Jesus, there is power in your name, so I confidently declare victory over worry, doubt, and anxiety. I look to you and you alone as my source of hope. Amen.

“I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” – Romans 15:13

Pray for the Sick and Vulnerable

Mighty God, you are more powerful than any pandemic. There is no virus, no sickness, and no pain that you cannot overcome. You are our Healer and Protector. Jesus, we know through your Holy Spirit you have given sight to the blind, made the paralyzed walk, healed the sick, and resurrected the dead. You have conquered the grave. So Lord, it is with bold faith that I pray for miraculous healing and protection over all who have contracted COVID-19 and those who are most susceptible to infection. Father, even when it is difficult to make sense of the current circumstances our world faces, I will put my trust in you and praise your name. Amen.

“O Lord, if you heal me, I will be truly healed; if you save me, I will be truly saved. My praises are for you alone!” – Jeremiah 17:14

Pray for Those Who Are Searching for Answers or Seeking God

Heavenly Father, you work all things for good. You do not waste a single pain or sorrow. Your light outshines the darkness of disease. Lord, in times of trouble, people fall to their knees looking for answers. Empty and broken hearts are searching for you right now. Reveal yourself, Lord. I pray that your glory and your goodness would be put on display for the world to see in the midst of this global health crisis so that more people will come to know Jesus. Amen.

“For God, who said, 'Let there be light in the darkness,' has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 4:6

Pray for Public Health Officials, Governments, and Healthcare Workers

Holy Spirit, you are the One who gives us strength and knowledge. Lord, you guide the hearts and the minds of your children. You uniquely position people according to the gifts and abilities you give them. I pray that you point public health officials to a vaccine for COVID-19, guide government officials around the world as they make tough decisions, and help healthcare workers as they tend to the sick. God, I pray that those who are leading the charge against this pandemic would look to you for direction. Bless and protect them, Father. Amen.

“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.” – 1 Timothy 2:1–2

Thank you, Saddleback church for resourcing us with these prayers.